Chapter 38

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Rory was walking on the train track with Rick, Carl and Michonne behind them. Rory held the man's hand, feeling rather clingy. He had explained they were heading to a sanctuary, it was called Terminus. Rory was sure she had seen signs for it a few days ago. Rick was certain that they could find the rest of their group there... that was if they were even alive.

"So, how'd you end up there?" Rick asked. "With those men?" Rory looked up to Rick for a moment as his hand tightened around hers.

"They just found me." The girl explained with a small shrug. "I didn't like them though." She was quick to add. "They were... they... they're men."

"I get it." Rick nodded, suddenly feeling a stronger urge to protect the girl. The small group walked in silence a little bit more.

"I think we got about a days worth of water left." Rick begun. "We're lucky it's cooled off a little bit, but..." the two paused, looking behind them, Rory giggled at Carl and Michonne who were balancing on the track. "What are you doing?"

"Winning a bet." Carl told.

"In your dreams." Michonne scoffed. Rick walked forward a little as Rory stayed put, laughing when Michonne tried to scare Carl off balance, but it didn't work, the woman fell herself. She obviously wasn't aware of the times Rory and Carl would play this game on the way home from school on the sides of the road.

"Rory, heads up." Rory caught what Carl threw to her, she looked in her hands and saw some of a chocolate bar. She smiled at Carl, who smiled back. They begun walking and Rory broke her share from Carl in half, handing a piece to Rick.


"How hungry are you on a scale of one to ten?" Rick asked the three others around their temporary camp, Rory poking sticks into the fire.

"Fifteen." Carl spoke.

"Twenty eight." Michonne added.

"About a twelve." Rory yawned, stretching her arms above her head. They had already eaten what rations were in the girls emergency bag, so they were running super low on food.

"Yeah." Rick chuckled. "It's been a while, I'm gonna go check the snares." Three man then stood up and dusted off his pants.

"Can I go with you?" Carl asked, blowing out the fire that grew on the twig he was holding.

"Well. How else are you gonna learn?" Rick joked, gesturing for Michonne and Rory to follow too. Rory stood up and kicked dirt into the fire, putting it out before following Rick.

"We'll stay another day or two. Get some rest." Rick announced as they walked through the trees.

"Finish healing up?" Michonne asked.

"I'm almost there." Rick nodded. Rory grimaced a little as she actually looked at Rick. Carl had told her that the Governor had beat the shit out of their father, but Michonne had put her sword through the guys chest before he could hurt Rick any further. "We gotta try and make sure Rory's leg doesn't get infected too." Rick mumbled, Michonne nodding in agreement.

"We're close now, right?" Carl asked his father.

"To Terminus?"

"Yeah." Carl clarified.

"We are." Rick nodded.

"When we get there." Rory vocalised. "Are we gonna tell them?"

"Tell them what?" Michonne questioned.

"Everything that's happened to us. All the stuff we've done. Are we gonna tell them the truth?" Rory asked, looking to Rick.

"We're gonna tell them who we are." Rick rasped.

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