Chapter 52

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"Why can't I come?" Rory asked Glenn as the man was getting ready for a run. "You said I could come on the next one." The girl was itching to go outside the walls, to actually do something.

"I just..." Glenn stopped, looking at Rory. "I don't want you near these guys Rory. They're not safe."

"So then why are you going? If it's not safe?" Rory worried.

"I'll be fine, Rory." Glenn reassured. Rory didn't find it very reassuring.

"Pinky promise?"

"Pinky promise." Glenn laughed, linking his pinky with Rory's. The girl then looked to the others as they approached the van. "You guys too."

"Huh?" Noah and Tara asked at the same time, Eugine and Aidan looking too.

"Be safe, or I'll hurt you." She then turned to Aidan. "Although I don't need a reason to hurt you, I'd do it anyway."

"Ivory." Deanna scolded. "Did I hear you threatening my son, again?"

"Nope, just simply stating a fact." Rory stated to the woman, Aidan looking between the girl and his mother. Maggie rested her arm across Rory's shoulders as they watched the small group pile into the van, Rory couldn't help but feel a gnawing pit in her stomach.


"Where you goin?" Rory quizzed Abraham as he walked out of his door. The girl was sat on the porch, swinging her feet off of the side.

"Helping to expand the wall." Abraham told the girl with a smile.

"Can I go?" Rory asked, apprehensive.

"You gotta ask Rick on that one." Abraham winced. It's not that he didn't want the kid to go with him, he just didn't want Rick to get pissy if he took her. The man was fully aware she could look after herself. "Be quick." Abraham called out as Rory sprinted off to find Rick.


After a quick chat with Rick, Rory sulked her way back to Abraham. Why wasn't she allowed out the gates? It wasn't fair.

"You comin?" Abraham drawled at Rory as she approached, itching her arm a little. The girl hesitated before nodding and running over to Abrahams truck. Rick wouldn't be mad. Rory knew he wouldn't get mad at her, let alone stay mad. She smugly buckled her seatbelt.


"Tobin really think this'll take four weeks?" Abraham asked one of the other guys. Rory squinted at the man, she didn't know his name, didn't see the reason to know someone who was probably gonna die soon.

"That's what he said." The guy responded. Rory huffed as she tossed another small fence panel onto her pile from the truck. "First time they expanded the wall, it took em twice that." Rory puffed out her cheeks as she looked to Abraham, brows raised.

The guy said something else to Abraham that Rory didn't care for before he walked off past all the trucks towards the trees. She looked to Abraham as she picked up her last panel, he smiled at the young girl.

A few minutes went by and Rory rose from her resting spot on the grass. There was a lot of birds flying from the tree line. Rory steadily made her way over to the man, stealing glances at the woods. "Abe..."

"Yeah." The man responded. "I saw." The taller man nodded, taking Rory's gun from her belt and shoving it into her hands as the two heard the first round of shots. Rory flicked off the safety and whirled around, advancing on the walkers right beside Abraham. She almost scoffed as the man from before came running back. He had a gun in his hand! Why didn't he shoot!

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