Chapter 34

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"Where's Glenn?" Maggie panicked as she spoke to her father through the glass pane. "He said he would meet me."

"He's resting."

"Is he okay? W-What about Rory?" Maggie asked, tearing up as she questioned her father through the glass.

"He was helping me, they both were, and they got tired, that's all." Hershel answered his daughter softly.

"If you need help, I can help you." Maggie offered desperately.

"I don't." Hershel smiled. "I was just keeping them occupied. Keeping their minds on helping people."

"I can come in there and help you." Maggie pressed, desperate to help her father.

"No, you don't need to."

"You can rest, dad—"

"No!" The two went quiet for a moment before Hershel spoke up again. "How's Bethy?"

"She's okay." Maggie nodded. "Daddy, you look so tired."

"I am." The man chuckled. "But I'm fine. They could return any minute now. It's hard in here. But we're holding it together. We're gonna make it... don't you believe that?"

Maggie sniffled before answering her father. "Of course."

"Just hold it together a little longer." Hershel asked his eldest. "Please?" Maggie smiled at him. "I love you, honey."

"I love you, too." Maggie let out a shaky breath as she watched her father retreat back into the cell block.


Hershel and Glenn stood next to Rory's bed, the girl was awake, barely. Her eyes were unfocused and her breathing was shallow. Hershel frowned as he checked her over.

"She's getting worse." Glenn stated, slightly panicked.

"Nothing we can't handle." Hershel smiled. He hoped he could believe his own words.


Rory came to as Glenn shook her shoulder gently, urging the girl awake. The longer she took to respond, the more frantic the shaking got. Glenn let out a breath of relief as the girl opened her eyes, sitting up with squinted lids.

"Come on." Glenn urged. "Magic tea time." Rory managed a small smile, drinking half of the cup with Glenn's help.


Rory was sat with Henry, taking her turn at supplying the man with oxygen as Glenn had gone to help Hershel with Sasha. Rory frowned and paused, the girl could only hear her own ragged breathing. She shakily lifted a hand to Henry's neck, there was no pulse. She panicked a little before she began frantically pressing at the man's chest, trying to get him back alive. It wasn't working.

"Her-" The girls yell was cut off by a harsh cough. She tried to call out for the man again, only to cough up blood. She couldn't breathe, her lungs weren't working. Why weren't they working? She slumped to the ground as she got less and less oxygen, choking up blood making it hard to breathe. Her head spun as black dotted her vision. Once again, Rory passed out.

Lizzie heard the girl struggling and ran over to the cell. She stood in the doorway, taking in the scene. She was about to help Rory when her eyes fell on Henry. He was a walker now. "Hershel... Hershel!"

Only, the man didn't hear, he couldn't as he got attacked by the dead a floor down. Glenn ran to help the man, walkers coming from most cells, attacking the other patients. It was pure chaos.

Lizzie took in a deep breath as Henry got up, looking at Rory. "Henry." Lizzie called, getting his attention off of the unconscious girl on the floor.

"That's it. Just follow me, Henry. Down here, away from Rory. Come on." Lizzie begun leading him away from the cell carefully. "Come on, Henry. Here we go. This way."

Lizzie screamed loudly as she fell, Henry tripping on top of her, trying to tear her apart. Hershel ran up the stairs quickly, dragging the walker off of the screaming girl and throwing him over the bannister onto the chicken wire on the other side.

"You okay?" He questioned Lizzie as he set her up right.

"I called him nice." Lizzie cried. "He didn't scratch Rory. I though maybe he listens."

"Lizzie, where is Rory?" Hershel asked the girl sternly.

"Henry's cell." Hershel then rushed to put Lizzie in a cell and shut it so that she would be safe before rushing to Henry's cell in a panic. Rory was gasping and wheezing on the floor, unconscious when Hershel reached her. He grimaced at the trail of blood flowing from her mouth. 

"Hold on, Rory. Hold on."


Glenn begun luring the walkers, killing them off one by one, trying to keep them away from Hershel. He was unaware of Rory convulsing on the floor of her cell. He turned around at the sound of a gunshot behind him, Maggie running full force into his chest. He didn't even want to question how she got in.

Maggie suddenly yelled for her dad, the couple looking up at the older man who was wrestling with a walker on the chicken wire. Maggie lined up her gun, ready to shoot.

"No! You could hit the bag." Hershel stressed. "We need it for Rory." She didn't lower the gun. Glenn was frozen, watching the scene unfold. A shot rang out as the walker slumped to the side, Hershel frantically removing the breathing equipment from Henry.

"Where is she?"

"She's up here." Hershel called down. "Cell one hundred." The couple shot up the stairs and over to the child's cell, Maggie falling to her knees beside a gasping Rory.

"She's turning blue!"

"Clear her airway. I'm on the way." Hershel yelled. Maggie and Glenn both turned the child's head so she was laying on her side as Hershel ran over. "Roll her on her back."

"Dad." Maggie panicked, looking at Rory's face.

"Hold her arms down."

Glenn pinned the girls arms down, while Maggie held her head still, both adults had tears in their eyes. It hurt them to see Rory like this.

"Come on, honey. Come on." Hershel spoke as he fumbled with the new, clean tube, putting it down Rory's throat. "You know how this works. Just relax. Stay with us." He then clipped on the bag and begun squeezing. "Stay with us. Stay with us."

Maggie let out a relieved sob as Glenn clutched her hand. Rory's gasps quietened down as she got oxygen into her body.

"You're gonna be okay. We're gonna be okay."


Daryl and the rest were back. They came back with the medicine that Hershel needed to make the sick better. The older man sat in Rory's room, syringe in hand as he made up medicine for the sleeping girl.

"Dad?" Maggie whispered from in the seat next to her father. "They're back now." Maggie spoke as her father looked at her. "Go rest."

Maggie watched as her father nodded and walked out silently. She gently woke Rory up, the girl still not fully there as she tipped in the medicine into her tea.

"Come on, honey. Gotta drink up." Maggie helped Rory drink, then smiling at the young girl as she laid back down. "Sleep now honey."

The prison's nearly over.... :(
Guess who's sick.. meeeee

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