Chapter 14

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In the morning, Beth was still catatonic and Rick and the others weren't back yet. Rory was stood with Dale outside as the others began gathering supplies to go and find Rick, Glenn, and Hershel. That was until they heard a car driving up the farm.

As the car slowed to a stop, Rick got out and hugged Lori and Carl while Maggie hugged Glenn.

"Patricia, prepare the shed for surgery." Hershel ordered as he walked inside. Rory was confused, who was hurt? She walked away from Dale to see into the car. She opened the door and gasped quietly.

"Who in the hell is that?" Rory vocalised. The group looked towards the small girl next to the car.

"That's Randall." Glenn clarified.


They had a meeting in the house, and surprise, surprise, Rory's father got mad again. Hershel had stitched up the new boy as best as he could. Rory wasn't too bothered, apparently he had shot at Rick. She couldn't say she was too pleased with the new temporary addition to the group.

Rory just hoped that they could get a break soon. First finding Sophia and now this... when was it going to end?


Rory was in the kitchen with Lori and Andrea as Maggie and Beth argued in the other room. Once Hershel had gotten back, he had managed to pull Beth out of her shocked state. Nobody would tell Rory why the sisters were arguing, but Andrea didn't seem too pleased.

"It's a family affair. We'll let them work it out." Lori sighed, ruffling Rory's hair.

"That's working it out?" Andrea scoffed.

"When Beth stops fighting, that's when it's time to worry." Lori stated as the yelling got a little louder, Rory tried not to listen in.

"This could have been handled better." Andrea claimed.

"How so?" Lori sighed.

"You shouldn't have taken the knife away." Andrea said, causing Lori to pause. "You were wrong. Like Dale taking my gun. That wasn't your decision."

Lori sighed before looking to the child in the room. "Rory, baby, can you give us a minute?" Rory was disappointed, but left the kitchen anyways.


Rory saw Andrea leave Beth's room and decided to sneak in, just like the ninja she was. Nobody was giving her answers, so she would find out herself.

"Beth?" Rory called out quietly. The older girl looked to her, startled before calming down.

"Can you shut the door?" Beth asked Rory. The younger girl did just that. What can she say? Beth asked nicely.

"Why is everyone mad at you?" Rory questioned bluntly, standing on the bed by Beth.

"Because I want to go.. they won't let me.. I don't think it's fair."

"But why would you leave? You have Maggie. And your dad and Patricia and Jimmy. If not for you, you gotta stay here for them, right?" Rory rambled, not quite understanding the situation. After all, she was just a child. Beth began staring at Rory's leg, the girl was confused before she too looked. Beth was looking at her knives.

"Oh.. you wanna see them? Daryl's been helping me to throw them, I can't quite get them to stick every time but..." the girl trailed off as she handed one over to Beth.

"Do you ever feel so hopeless? Like everything around you is happening at once, and you can't help? You can't get away from it? Where you can't decide if it makes you sad or angry, or both?" Beth quizzed.

Rory nodded as she thought back to Sophia, to her father. "Like it hurts.. right here." Beth pressed her palm to Rory's chest, right above her heart. "I know how to get rid of it."

The two girls were quiet for a moment as Beth twirled the knife in her hand and stood up, holding her hand out to Rory, leading her into the bathroom. "We can get rid of it."


Rory heard pounding on the door, it took her a minute to figure it wasn't the pounding of her heart, or the thud of her pulse, but Maggie begging to be let in as Beth shattered the mirror.

"Don't do this, Beth. Don't do this." Maggie begged. Rory could hear Lori now too, both trying to get the door open. Rory took a breath but a sob bled out of her mouth instead. She was frightened. The banging stopped for a minute before returning with more force than before.

"Rory, baby? Open the door. Open the door, Rory." But only she couldn't, she didn't want to move, she couldn't move. Why couldn't she move?

"Beth, honey, please open the door. I'm not mad, I'm not mad, Beth." Maggie panicked. There was a creak and a splintering of wood from the door before it opened. Beth turned around, hand on her bloody wrist before apologising to the adults infront of them.

"I'm sorry." Beth sobbed. Maggie gasped and held her little sister closer before looking to a frozen, scared Rory on the floor. She was gonna need so much therapy.

Yay another chapter!
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