Chapter 59

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Since the scare of Glenn and Daryl possibly being dead, Rory had been following the two men around like a lost duckling. If you didn't see her with Glenn, she was with Daryl and vice versa.

Today, Daryl was her target.

She had to walk a little faster to keep up with the man as he walked towards Denise, a list in hand. He was trying his absolute best to ignore the shadow behind him. "Hey." Daryl greeted the woman.


"This thing at the bottom right here, you're talking about the drink, right?" Daryl asked, referring to the list.

"I am, but..." Denise trailed off as she stood by the two. Rory had caught up.

"It's not medical." Daryl said, rolling his eyes when he saw Rory standing beside him.

"No, I drew a line between the important stuff and that." The woman clarified. "I just figured, if you saw it."

"Alright." Daryl shrugged.

"Anything remotely medical is priority. And food, maybe even food before medicine, and gas or batteries or books for the kids or clothes is just... if you see it, if it just happens to, you know, be right there." Denise rambled.

"You like it, right?" Daryl asked.

"No, I don't drink pop."

"The hell's pop." Daryl and Rory both asked at the same time, Daryl smirked as Rory muttered 'jinx' under her breath.

"Oh, I'm originally from Ohio." Denise spoke.

"Sooo, why do you want it?" Rory asked the woman, mentally debating with herself wether or not Ohio actually did exist.

"Tara was talking about it in her sleep, I think. Either she likes it or she dosent, but if she likes it, it'd be a really nice surprise. I'm not good with that kind of stuff." Denise explained as Rory and Daryl shared a knowing look. "And she and Heath are going on that two week run. I just thought it'd be a nice going away present. Just, uh, don't go out of your way." Denise made jaz hands amidst her rambling, Daryl copying her making Rory giggle at the man. "And if it gives you any trouble..."

"I won't." Daryl assured.

"Good." The woman stated. "Cause it's not important. I should have said so instead of just drawing a line." At this point, Daryl had tugged on Rory's sleeve and begun to walk away.

"Got it."


The two made it to the car where they met Rick, the latter frowning at Rory. "No." Just one word had the girl deflating.

"What?" Rory wined. "I'm all ready, please?"

"No, you're not coming Rory." Rick told his child. "Go keep your brother company."

"Fine." She muttered before walking away. Maybe if Rick dwelled on how fast she gave up, he would have made sure she actually went to keep Carl company.


Rory was beginning to regret her decision. She had snuck into the trunk of Rick and Daryl's car without them noticing like the ninja she was. She made a low, pained noise as the car went over a bump.

Her legs were squished and she kept hitting her head. Daryl's crossbow was painfully digging into her hip. Her eyes shot open as the annoying music from the car had stopped as the car became still. She was excited to stretch her legs. The girl winced as the boot was pulled open, squinting as the light spilled in.

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