Chapter 50

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"Time to punch the clock and make the casseroles." Carol spoke happily, closing the front door behind her. Both Daryl and Rory made a confused noise at the same time as they looked to the woman. "Make dinner for the older people." Carol explained as she fixed her outfit. "Moms who need a break, people who can't cook. Get to meet a lot of the neighbours that way."

Daryl scoffed cheekily as Rory rolled her eyes playfully. She was practically using the man as a stepping stool as she leant on him to climb onto the railing, standing up on the railing with her arms out to balance herself.

"Have you taken a shower yet?" Carol sighed as she looked to Daryl, he just hummed in response. Carol smiled as she watched the man catch Rory by her arm as she fell to the side, quietly scolding the girl as he made her get down.

"Take a shower and I'm gonna wash that vest." Carol began walking down the steps. "We need to keep up appearances, even you."

"Hey, I ain't starting now."

"I'm gonna hose you down in your sleep." Carol threatened as she walked down the street.


"Where's Enid going?" Rory spoke aloud as she watched from the window. Ivory was a little annoyed that she hadn't been allowed to go on the run with Glenn, Tara and Noah, so she resorted to spending time with Carl. Rory squinted as Enid made her way over to the fence with a bag on her back.

Carl rushed over to the window beside his sister. Both the kids watched as Enid scaled the fence like she'd done it a thousand times already. Rory looked to her side as Carl put on his boots. Rory already had hers on just incase they had to run. "What are you doing?" The girl got no answer as Carl rushed out of the door. "Don't do what I think you're doing!"

"It's fine, Rory." Carl reassured his sister as they approached the fence. The boy began to climb, followed by Rory. "Wait." His sister looked up questioningly. "You stay here." Before the girl could complain like he knew she was going to, Carl spoke up again. "If we both leave, dad will tear this place apart if he finds us gone... I'm just gonna see what she's doing and then I'm coming back."

"Right back?" Rory asked hesitantly.

"Right back."


With everyone else busy, Rory didn't quite know what to do, so she resorted to just walking around. In reality, she didn't have a plan, but she thought it would be a good idea to get familiar with the area. However, Rory didn't want to speak to anyone new quite yet, so she was being a ninja, sneaking around.


Rory walked into the armoury with confidence, walking over to the table with the pistols. She was a little surprised to find that nobody was guarding the place, but it made her job a little easier. Her eyes scanned the weapons as she looked for her gun. Rory looked to the side as a woman opened the door walking through, before yelping.

"Oh! You scared me a little there." The woman laughed as she closed the door behind her. Rory just smiled a little as she tried to remember her name. "Can I help you with anything?"

Rory was quiet for a moment before she shook her head, eyes landing on her gun. "Nope." the girl told Olivia. "I got it." Rory then grasped her gun, checking it for ammo.

"You cant have that." Olivia spoke. She frowned when it was empty, but she quickly located the ammo boxes and grabbed one.

"What? This?" Rory questioned as she loaded the pistol up with some of the bullets, completely unaware of the other presence in the room. "Its mine."

"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to take it from you." Olivia said, voice wavering. Rory paused before scoffing with a shake of her head.

"Yeah? and how are you gonna do that?" Rory questioned, almost bored. "You cant fight... I can. Now excuse me, but I got stuff to do." Rory began to walk away, Olivia just standing there. She made it to the door and her arm was grasped from behind. Out of instinct, Rory snatched her arm away and pointed her pistol at her offender.

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