Chapter 57

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The dead were in the walls. The dead were in the walls. Rory ran beside Rick, away from the approaching walkers.

"Everyone, get back!" Rick yelled as both he and Rory armed themselves, the man holding his daughters arm as they ran. "Get into your houses, go!" The two were closely joined by Carl as all three began firing at the dead.

"Rick!" Deanna yelled as she came close.

"You need to get back." Rick told the woman.

"We need to get back!" Deanna screamed back. Rory yelled out as the woman was attacked by two walkers before falling on top of a sharp tool, cutting her leg. Rick turned around at the sound of his daughters distress before helping Deanna up, glancing at Rory as she pushed the dead away.

"Maggie?" Rory yelled as she followed Rick. She had just been beside the woman. "Maggie?" Where was she?

"Rory, come on!" Rick panted as he practically held Deanna up. Rory took one last glance around before carrying on with Rick.

Maggie would be okay. She had to be.

They were eventually joined by Michonne, Gabriel and Ron. The small group making their way away from the dead that were trailing them in hundreds. They stalled for a moment as walkers made their way infront of them, a brief moment of panic before the dead were shot by Jesse from behind.

"Come on! I have Judith!" The seven of them made their way into Jesse's house before locking the door shut. They all rushed upstairs, Rick and Michonne carrying Deanna to a spare bedroom and laying her down, Jesse running into Sam's room, Carl and Rory running to get Judith and Ron and Gabriel doing god knows what.


"There's something up with Ron." Rory told her brother, the boy sending her a questioning glance. "He's in the garage. He's... afraid. I think."

"Come on." Carl breathed out, walking to the garage, Rory right behind him. "Ron?" Carl asked quietly as the pair made their way into the room. "Hey. Rory said there's something up with you. You all right, man?"

"Enid's dead." Ron spoke from his slouched down position on one of the work benches. Rory looked to Carl, the boy just waving a hand as to tell her to stay behind him. "We're all dead."

"Look, my dads gonna figure something out." Carl reassured, Rory nodding too. If anyone was gonna find a way out of this mess, it would be Rick. "He always does."

"That's bullshit." Ron scrutinised as he pushed himself upright, walking towards the two siblings. "Your dads just gonna get more people killed. Cause that's what he does. That's who he is. Your dads a killer."

"So was yours." Rory shot back. What did it even matter anyway? She was a killer, so was Carl. Ron was too much of a coward to even go out of the walls.

"We need to work this out." Carl told the other boy in the room.

"I'm dead, Carl." Ron begun, staring into space. Rory furrowed her brows and looked to Carl who subtly moved her behind him more. "My mom is dead. My brother is."

"No, they're not." Carl denied. "We're gonna make it." Rory watched with pinched breath as Ron walked towards the door before pausing.

"Your dad... you're dead too." Ron threatened as he turned the key in the door. He locked it. "We're all dead." Both Carl and Rory noticed at the same time, but Carl acted first.

Rory watched as her brother lunged for Ron, pushing him against the door as the latter got out his gun. Rory seethed as he pushed her brother into some shelves, the two of them falling to the ground. The girl shot forward, sending a kick to Ron's arm, trying to get him away from the shovel he was reaching for, but he got hold of it anyway.

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