The Power

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"Hey [Y/N]!" Naruto called as you met by the usual spot next to the swings. "Hey, Naruto." You returned his greeting as you sat down on the swing, leaning your head against its rope. Your friend frowned. "Are you ok? Sick or something?" You shrugged sluggishly. "I don't know. I feel like I'm gonna explode.." Naruto was on his feet in no time, checking your forehead. "You don't feel hot." You huffed out a laugh. "I'm not sure what's going on with me. I don't think it's sickness though. I feel so sluggish, but tense. There's this pressure in my chest that won't go away. I feel like everything is louder than it was yesterday and sharp and smelly." Naruto started to giggle. "Smelly?" You snorted. "Yes smelly, get with the program." You rolled your eyes, mood lifting considerably. "Good smelly or bad smelly."
"I don't know! Just smelly!" You barked out with a smile. "Besides, that's only one of my problems! It's like I can feel things before it's even there too. Like I can feel where people and objects are and stuff." Naruto rose a brow. "Really?" You mock growled at him. "Have I ever lied to you?"
"[Y/N] that's really cool!" Naruto praised as he jumped around. "Did you bring it up to your dad?" You shook your head. "He said something about testing Genin. No doubt they'll fail... again."
"Yeah... wanna get Ichirakus? It might make you feel better!" You were up for food.


"Naruto, do you ever eat anything but Ramen?" You asked as you waited for your order. "Sure I do... sometimes!" You chuckled before a bowl was placed before you, making you salvate. "Thank you!" You split a pair of chopsticks and you and Naruto dug in, enjoying the meal. Until the pressure in your chest intensified, nearly making you choke as you clutched the general area with a groan. "[Y/N]!" You panted, eyes squeezed shut. It didn't hurt, but it was extremely uncomfortable. "Is your friend ok, Naruto?"
"Can I come back and pay, I really need to get her home." Naruto requested. Teuchi, the shop owner and chef was already nodding. "Of course, get her home. Don't forget to come back!" He warned as Naruto picked you up and carried you out. "It'll be ok, [Y/N]! Just hang in there."


You could smell that your dad was back, the Jonin had just got home from his little test when Naruto carried you in. "What's going on?" He sounded serious. You knew whoever it was had failed. "M-my chest." You groaned. "Does it hurt?!" Both males asked at the same time. You shook your head as Naruto put you down for Kakashi to examine. As he stepped back and your dad stepped forward though, there was a sort of... you could only describe it as a snap and all the pressure flooded throughout your body and out into your surroundings. All you could hear was your heartbeat in that moment along with the sound of blood roaring in your ears, but at least you could take a full breath again. And you continued to breath and let it all flood out until you were exhausted. As you fell forward, your father caught you. "[Y/N].... are you ok...?" Why did he seem out of breath? You nodded, mumbling a quiet "tired.."
"Then rest... I've got you.." You heard him say. "Don't worry about a thing, [Y/N]!" Naruto reassured. You couldn't think of anything to worry about so you just let your eyes close.


3rd POV

Kakashi and Naruto looked around at the damage done. Kakashi had put [Y/N] to bed and come to handle her friend afterwards. When she said she'd befriended the boy, he'd been shocked and a little uneasy since he carried the Nine- Tails, but Naruto was just like any other boy. Just a bit... stranger. Kakashi pulled a bone out of the wall. They were scattered everywhere, his flooring and walls had these things everywhere now. Along with burn marks from large laser wolf skulls. Neither of them had ever seen it before. "What was that?!" Naruto squawked in surprise and a bit of fear. He was afraid for [Y/N] and what that was. Was it bad for her? "That..." Kakashi breathed in wonder. "Is [Y/N]'s power. She doesn't have Chakra like the rest of us. It seems that this is how she protects herself. That feeling must've been this manifesting itself." Naruto tilted his head. "So... it's normal?" Kakashi nodded. "I believe so. We should let her rest. I still have to report to the Hokage." Naruto left with reluctance, but he still had to pay Teuchi before the chef hunted him down.


Kakashi did go to the Hokage, but not for a report on the Genin's failure. "Lord Hokage, [Y/N]'s power has manifested. Upon seeing it in action, I think she could become a Shinobi. She would have to be privately trained to get it under control." Hiruzen took his pipe out of his mouth, blowing out smoke. "What sort of ability is it?" Kakashi produced the bone, putting in on the Hokage's desk. "She tore apart my living room with these and laser skulls." Hiruzen rose an inquiring brow. "Laser... skulls?"
"Yes sir. Large, wolf like, skulls with yellow slit eyes that shot yellowish white lasers from their muzzles." Kakashi explained the best he could. Hiruzen hummed in thought. "That sounds quite powerful. Ask her if she'd even like to become a ninja when you return home and report with your answer tomorrow. We will see what will happen to her from there."
"One more thing. This power of hers seems to work like Chakra. If overused, it exhausts her." Hiruzen looked at Kakashi. "So what you are saying is she's resting right now." Kakashi gave a nod. "Yessir." Hiruzen sighed. "Of course. Let her ask and bring it up tomorrow morning. You can report at noon."

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