The Year of Searching

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It's been an entire year now. His trail had been confusing when you went from the Land of Stone to the Land of Earth. The Earth in itself lasted a good six months with how the news seemed to spread there. They scattered everywhere throughout the country, and you couldn't leave no stone unturned. You chuckled at your own pun. It's like he knew he was being trailed... "Dang it Sans, stop spreading rumors about yourself!" You growled at yet another false rumor. Sans that smart little- "I'm his ally, stars dammit, he could at least cut me a little slack.." If he actually knew he was being followed. It's not like you could say for certain if he was traveling everywhere to throw you off or not. You had to remember that he was looking for you too. He was going to check every country from top to bottom since he knew your scent just as well as you knew his. He'd probably been everywhere in the Land of Wind while you were messing around in the Sand. You didn't like how much larger Earth was, like seriously this was exhausting. You hoped to catch the Skeleton soon.


His pattern straightened out as you caught wind of a rumor about him going to the Land of Rain. A smaller country meant he could be potentially easier to find. You were down for that and took off immediately to follow him. The Land of Rain was true to its name, you didn't know how anyone could live in such a dreary and wet place. Your clothes were soaked. You had to get some of the local rain clothing to keep from getting soak in the near constant rain. There was no tracking any sort of scent as per usual, but now the rain was a factor to that. You wanted to get out of this country and quick. You hoped that Sans thoughts were running in the same vein because you were already headed to the next country, the Land of Grass. It seemed, from the few shops you did stop at for food to keep up your strength and power, that he was headed the same direction, and from the sounds of it, you were only a few days behind him. You could catch up to him in no time if you tried.


You loved the Land of Grass and the sweet scent that permeated its territory. Rounded stones poked out in every direction. You jumped them easily using them to your advantage as you scanned for Sans. It seemed he was still ahead though. Either that or he was in hiding for some reason. It had you wondering yet again if he knew he was being followed. Maybe you should fall back again? No- if he was laying low and hiding, this was the prime time to search for him and find him. You were good at hide and seek. This could make for a very fun game. Thus the search began in the Rain. Town after town, you looked for anything remotely linked to a Skeleton semi resembling you. You even checked the Hidden Rain Village, though there was something about that place that set off red flags in your mind. Ultimately you decided to move on when you found the small country to be absent of the 'walking corpse's' presence. You headed to the next country, the Land of Waterfalls in hopes of having better luck of finding Sans there. The one year mark was closing in.


The Land of Waterfalls was beautiful, but difficult to navigate. The terrain was mountainous cliffs and forest. It was probably going to take you the longest to get through, other than the big countries like the Land of Wind and the Land of Earth. This was a territory you desperately wished you could teleport check, and if you didn't have to find Sans, you'd skip this place, but sadly climbing had to be done and Sans owed you at least 48 hours of sleep. You didn't want the sleep on a tiny ledge in the center of the cliff though. It was a very good thing you'd at least be able to teleport back down. On the bright side, your arms and core was gonna be way stronger when you returned home with the stupid Skeleton. Ok, yeah, you were a bit upset that you did that climb with no Skeleton to show. At least you could move on though. All you wanted to do was find him and sleep, but it probably wasn't going to be that simple, was it? After all, after the Land of Waterfalls was the Land of Iron, and after that was the Land of Rice where Orochimaru and the Hidden Sound Village was.


The Land of Iron was a mountainous Land of snow that used semuri rather than ninja. These mountains weren't as difficult as the Waterfalls cliffs and the snow wasn't much of a bother to you. Your jacket was enough coverage to keep your fleshy upper half warm while your bones didn't need it. Snow storms were nothing as you checked the village's around here. You also recalled that this was were the Five Kage Summit was usually held, according to your studies with your father. How you missed him... and your home. It had officially passed a year by now, that you first started this mission, but you had to be closing in on Sans by now. Hopefully, if he was in the Land of Rice, you would save him before the serpentine man did. You were about sick of this mission. With a huff, you started on your way to the next country.

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