The New Ability

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You couldn't say what happened. Seeing the strange guy from your village getting crushed by Gaara didn't sit right with you. You were torn between protecting one of your village comrades and staying out of it because for whatever reason your chest hurt even thinking about hurting Gaara. You couldn't stand there and watch your comrade get killed though. So in one second, you were WATCHING the sand surge towards the guy, then in the next second you were down there, the sand surging towards YOU. You hadn't even physically moved. You were just... there. The sand seemed just as eager to harm you as you were to harm Gaara and shifted to the side to avoid you, slamming into the wall and making the place shake. For the hundredth time since the exams started, you and Gaara made eye contact. You hoped that he could read the displeasure in your eyes, the fear that you felt watching this fight and for a split second you thought you saw guilt flash through his eyes. It could've been your imagination though. After a second longer, you looked away and checked on the unconscious and highly injured Lee while Gaara and Guy talked.


"Woah, what was that?!" Kasai ask/demanded to know. You shrugged, looking a bit out of it. Let's face it, you were. What made you different from everyone else? Why didn't he want to hurt you? "It must be a new ability. Some sort of transportation one." Your father decided. "I guess." You replied, looking across the arena to look at Gaara. "I just knew that I couldn't let Rock Lee be killed, there was a moment of darkness and next thing I know I was down there, right where I wanted to be." Your father followed your gaze to Gaara. "What you did was dangerous, but I suppose I can't really blame you. I was the one that put that ideology in your head." You knew exactly what he was referring to. "Ninja who break the rules are scum, but Ninja who abandon their friends are worse than scum." Kakashi had drilled that into your head since you were a little girl. You'd always done your best not to abandon any of your allies, whether they were close or not. That meant any leaf shinobi, even if you hardly knew them.


You had one month before the Final Exams. Hizuki Sensei was going to be the one to try and train in your newest ability before them, but you requested the day off to rest first. In reality, you wanted to confront Gaara before you lost the confidence to. "Hey Sand boy!" You tracked him down, heading to one of the village inns. All three Genin froze, Gaara's siblings tensing. "What do you want?" He asked blandly. "... why haven't you killed me yet? You seem so eager to kill everyone else, why not me?" There was an intense moment of silence, the air was thick with fear and a hint of curiosity. "I don't know." He finally responded. He was genuinely confused too. You could barely hear it in his tone, but it was there. "Maybe your demon doesn't have as much sway on you as I was lead to believe." You found yourself saying before you could stop yourself. Gaara turned to stare at you with wide, surprised eyes. They all did. You gulped. "Yes, I know about your Tailed Beast. I can sense it's immense power inside you." Your eyes narrowed, teeth bared into an aggressive scowl. "But you and it are not the same. You're better than that." You pivoted on a paw, walking away as you felt their stares burn into your back.


Oh stars. What had possessed you to act such a way towards him? You had to be a complete fool. But you weren't dead... maybe you got through to him? "Lunar Style, Crescent Blades!" Your eyes snapped to the sharp attack, focusing on a location to disappear to. You ended up having to duck to avoid the Yin Chakra nature attack. You growled at yourself for being distracted. You and Hizuki Sensei have learned a few things about your teleportation ability since your training started a week or so ago. One, you could only go where you've been before. Two, you could only do teleports of roughly 14 miles, but jumps that big really strained you power. Three, you had to be precise or you'd end up somewhere else that you didn't want to be. Four, you could teleport with others, but it strained your power if it was more than two people and there were negative side affects for those not used to it. Five, if you did teleport with other people, they had to be directly touching you.


You popped up in front of the hospital, having heard that Naruto was here. "Now what did that boy do..?" You muttered as you tracked his his and another's scent into his room. Shikamaru, if you recalled correctly. "Sup." You greeted the unenthusiastic Genin. "Oh hey. Your Naruto's friend, [Y/N], right?" You gave a hum and a nod. "That's me. What'd he do to get in here?" The bored boy shrugged. "I've got no clue... I was here because Choji was in here and decided to visit Naruto too." Your tail twitched. "I'm sure he'll appreciate it nonetheless." Shikamaru sat up. "Can I ask you something?" You smirked at him. "You just did." He groaned, rubbing a hand down his face. "Look, not to sound rude or whatever, but how did you and Naruto become friends? I never seen you until after the academy." Your tail twitched again. "That's because I was homeschooled. As for how, well, people didn't accept me because I was..." You looked at yourself. "Different. Nobody but him. He thought I was cool, and I thought he was cool. So we clicked. Became friends."

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