The Disqualification

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The morning of the Final Exam you and Hizuki Sensei were pulled into the Hokage's office for some reason. It made you very nervous but maybe it was good news...? "Lord Hokage, may I ask what the meaning of this is?" You questioned trying to read his expression and body language. He was tense and nervous, his mind was elsewhere, something big that had him worried. He was trying to keep calm and composed, but you knew better. "W-what is going on?" You looked around uneasily, his mood easily transferring to you. "I'm pulling you from the exams, [Y/N]." Your attention immediately snapped back to him. "What?!" Hizuki Sensei barked. "But sir, why? What did she do wrong?!" The Hokage held his hand up to silence your teacher, her ears flicked back. "She did absolutely nothing wrong. In fact, I was quite impressed by your performance. Your power is beyond compare, you're intelligent, and you can collect intelligence unlike anyone I'd ever met. While you still have much to learn, I believe they are lessons best spent being learned as a Chunin. The village elders agree with me on this stance." You... were being promoted early. "Why?"


The Hokage sighed. "I need you to start your first mission as a Chunin immediately. A unwelcome guest has made himself known and I want you to locate him. Do not engage. Once you find him, you'll report to me, understood?" You paused. "But what about my team?" The Hokage's gaze flicked up at you. "You will still be part of Team Eleven, only you'll be equals with Hizuki."
"Won't the matches be odd now though?" The Hokage chuckled, albeit tensely. "I've got all that under control, don't worry. You just focus on your mission. The man you're looking for is named Orochimaru." Your Sensei's eyes widened. "You're sending her after Orochimaru?! Do you know what could happen if he gets his hands on her power?!" The Hokage took a puff from his pipe. "I am aware of the risks of this mission, but I believe that [Y/N] here has the means to escape if she's found out. Now, [Y/N], your Chunin vest. Try to keep an eye out on anything that smells or sounds like a snake." You took the flak vest from him. "Yes sir." He smiled a little. "You're dismissed."


"Tell Kasai and Naruto I'm rooting for them, ok?" You asked as you and Hizuki Sensei were about to separate. You decided to check out the village first, to see if he was going to try something while everyone was focused on the exams. That would be a smart move, but if you sensed anyone going into the exams with a snake scent, you feared the worst. "I will. You be careful." She huffed as you slipped your jacket on over your vest. "I will." You promised. With that you both went in different directions, you looking this Orochimaru and her to the Chunin Exams. Unfortunately snakes were common, you had to extend out all five senses to assure that you weren't tracked some garden snake and not Orochi- wait. You'd heard that name before. It was familiar. "Wasn't he a Sannin? One of the Three Legendary Ninja?" You questioned out loud. Geez, no wonder you couldn't engage. He was easily someone to be feared. Still, a mission was a mission. Keep your distance and you would be fine. Hopefully.


You could hear the cheering even though you were miles away from the stadium. You'd gotten nothing on your radar yet, and you feared that he may have covered his scent. If that was the case, then your nose was no good. You opened a pocket on your jacket, pulling out a picture the Hokage had given you of the man. His appearance was definitely distinctive. Thin, nearly white skin, yellow snake eyes, long black hair, a weird bow tied around his waist... yeah, he should be easy to spot at least. You slipped the picture back in the pocket and jumped back into action. The streets were empty, they were all probably at the exam. It made travel and tracking a lot easier with less fresh scents around and there were no crowds that he could hide in. You poked into shops too, to see if he was waiting to make a move. There was still nothing. With a huff, you took off towards the stadium. He wasn't here, so he was there. You blinked at the sudden silence that fell over the stadium. You bared your teeth, cursing yourself for not checking there first. You teleported to a place a bit closer to the stadium, but you'd never been inside, you had to run the rest of the distance.


Your head whipped around at the feeling of something fast approaching the village. Typically you wouldn't be able to sense it from THAT far away, but these things, whatever the were, were absolutely MASSIVE and closing in fast. Your eyes darted from the stadium only to be drawn back to the creatures as they smashed through the Villages wall with ease. Three giant snakes, coated in Chakra were now your opponents. Above all else, you knew the Hokage would want you to protect the village. Besides, your father and and Hizuki Sensei was there along with the Hokage and your friends. They could handle whatever Orochimaru was planning in there. With that in mind, you teleported over to take care of the giant beasts.

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