The Two Teamed Mission

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You and Naruto have been practicing on that new ability of yours. Turned out you could lift humans too, but... "Hey, hey, [Y/N], what's that?" You were staring at it too. A strange blue heart in the center of his chest. "I... I don't know.. I've never seen it before when I was practicing alone.." You poked it, making Naruto jolt. "I FELT THAT, DOES THAT MEAN ITS PART OF ME?!" You dragged your eyes up to face him. It made you uncomfortable staring at it anyway. "I guess so. I'm going to put you down now, ok?" He nodded quickly, seemingly uneasy with the weird heart himself. You released your hold on the ninja and took a step back, tucking your hand in your pocket. "Wanna head to the swings? I'm not sure how much longer I can stay out. Apparently I have a big mission tomorrow." You changed the subject of your new power in favor of of talking about tomorrow's plans. Naruto smiled gratefully at the topic change as you both headed to the swings. "Yeah me too! I'm pretty excited!" Naruto chirped, making you chuckle.


Naruto called you over out of worry. It was the next day now, you were double checking that you had everything before you left to meet with the Hokage and your team. Hizuki Sensei and Yoru was already there. Kasai was probably on his way.. maybe. "This will be their first C rank mission, are you sure she is ready?" You were listening to the hushed whispers of your Sensei and the Hokage. They were talking about you. You knew it. You didn't have Chakra, your power was unknown, it was unknown if you could handle actual enemies or not. "That is exactly why you are going on this mission. How can she prove herself if she doesn't try?" Hizuki Sensei sighed and nodded while your tail gave a barely perceptible wag. A knock resounded, prompting a "Come in" from the Hokage. To your surprise it was your father and his Team Seven along with Kasai. "Ah! [Y/N] what are you doing here?!" You smiled at your blonde friend and your tail wagged visibly. "Well Naruto, it seems we're working together."


Your guess had been correct. Team Seven and Team Eleven was working together on an escort mission between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind. With instructions to be ready at the gate in an hour, everyone split off. "Did you know we would be on mission together da- Kakashi Sensei?" You questioned as you both headed to the gate together. On mission, he requested you not call him father, which felt weird to you, but you could see why it wouldn't be good. "I did. This is your first time outside of Konaha and the Hokage wanted me to watch over you since I'm the one most familiar with your power. Depending on how this goes, you might go on more C rank missions or you might be pulled out." You didn't like the sound of that one bit. "I guess I'll have to do my best then, hm?" Kakashi smiled. "That you will, [Y/N]. I know you can do it." Your nice conversation was unfortunately interrupted by a certain blue eyed blonde that jumped at you, only for you to dodge his 'attack'. "Sorry bud, too slow."


The two Sensei's watched their students interact. Sakura seemed rather hateful towards [Y/N] who ignored her with expert ease while she talked to Naruto. Yoru was reading like always while Kasai tried and failed to interact with Sasuke who was staring at Naruto and [Y/N]. He was mostly intrigued about the bone legged female who didn't seem the least bit interested in him. Which was a HUGE relief. "Well, this isn't too bad. Alright everyone, let's head out." Kakashi called out. Everyone gathered and started moving, [Y/N] hesitating a moment before stepping out of the Village. It was her first mission outside the Village, she couldn't afford to screw up. "Can you keep up?" Kakashi asked her. She grinned. "Try and stop me." With a running head start, she parkoured between two trees and crouched their. "Ready when you are." Kakashi shook his head. "That kid.. lets pick up pace, we should get to the client by sunhigh." The ninja took to the trees.


"For not having Chakra, you're keeping up well!" Naruto praised as you all bounced from tree to tree. "I'm part animal, apparently, besides its all in the tail." Naruto gave you a thumbs up. "So is this your first time out? Your dad seems pretty worried about you. Your team too." Yeah, you'd noticed their glances back at you. It hadn't taken Yoru and Kasai long to figure out you didn't have Chakra. "Yeah, but I'll be fine. I'm not powerless. I'll pull my weight." You reassured. Naruto smiled bright. "Oh I know you will, I don't doubt you for a second!" You were about to respond, but you smelled multiple somethings. "Is that them? I feel and smell many people about a yard away below us." You reported. "It must be. I'll confirm when we're closer, my scent range isn't quite as far as yours, [Y/N]." Hizuki Sensei replied. "Mine either.." Kakashi sounded like a proud father. The others glanced at you as you shrugged. Yep, that's our client." Not to long after it was confirmed, you all dropped down to greet them. While that was going on, Sakura asked the age old question, Sasuke awaiting your response as well. "What are you?" You shrugged. "If I knew, I would tell ya. Sorry." The pair gave unconvinced looks, but before they could further question you, Yoru came to your rescue. "What does it matter as long as she is with us." Kasai and Naruto agreed quickly.

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