The Talk of Soulmates

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"So~" Your tail twitched as you heard that tone in his voice. "So?" You repeated Naruto's tease sarcastically. "When did you and Gaara become a thing, huh? Why didn't I know about it?" You looked down a little, blushing. "It kinda just... happened? I don't know how else to explain it, but I was out looking for my bio dad and stopped in Suna to gather intelligence and stock up on supply. I hadn't told you yet because you'd only just gotten back, Naruto." You replied to him. "Oh, well I'm glad you found happiness, [Y/N]! You and Gaara are gonna be great together!" You flushed. "Naruto..." He was too good a friend to you. "Then why didn't you tell me?" Kakashi faked a pout. "I'm your dad. You tell me everything." Your blush grew. "I-I don't know, maybe because I didn't want to be teased to death?" You grumbled. "i mean, to be fair, you and gaara would have ended up together no matter what, and you would have had to tell us eventually. 'specially if pups are involved." You missed your branch at the mention of pups and tumbled out of the trees, trying to hide. This is why you said nothing-


"Sans?" It was night now and you all had set up camp for the night. Naruto, Sakura, and yourself was asleep, leaving the two dads awake despite the late hours. "yeah kakashi?"
"What exactly is this soulmate thing? How does it work? You said she and Gaara would end up together no matter what?" Sans tilted his head. "i'm assuming there's no soulmate thing in your world. a shame. welp. all monsters have a soulmate. a 'destined partner' someone that completes you. since [Y/N]'s soul developed here in your world, her soulmate is here in this world. that being gaara. the moment they met, the bond began, first a tug, calling for them to stay close. it only got stronger the more they were together. eventually that pull brought them to start showing affection for each other. learn about each other and deepen the bond even more. they could no doubt feel each other's emotions, it was no wonder she was in pain."
"That's a thing?" Kakashi asked in curiosity. Sans chuckled. "yeah. for soulmates it is. me and her mom could even read each other's thoughts..."


"... you don't talk about her very often. What was [Y/N]'s mom like?" Kakashi asked hesitantly. It seemed sensitive and he didn't want to push Sans too much. Sans had become a pretty good friend and second father to [Y/N]. "... she was the love of my life... my soulmate... i should have had her go first... but that determined woman... she shoved me in and now... i am paying the price..." Sans grabbed tightly at his shirt. "the downside of having a soulmate is you can feel it when you lose them... the pain never goes away... i'm so happy you guys did whatever you did to save gaara, i don't want her to suffer through this so early on..." Kakashi felt bad for bringing it up, but his curiosity and concern for [Y/N]'s wellbeing drove him on. "I understand it always hurts to lose a loved one, I know that better than anyone here, except you. But do you mean that literally?" Sans nodded. "very literally. losing a soulmate is losing a peace of yourself." Sans summoned his soul, just to show Kakashi what he meant by that.


A deep crack ran through the center of his soul, nearly splitting it in two. "many don't survive losing their partner. when the soulmate dies, they die. that is especially true for older couples." Kakashi looked highly concerned. "the size of the crack also depends on how deep the bond." Sans muttered as he put his soul back. "if a soulmate loses their partner early in bonding, the crack will be small, the pain insignificant. her mother and my bond... it was extremely deep. i shouldn't have survived if i'm being honest. this should have killed me." Kakashi's eye widened. "Then how did you...?" Kakashi was almost afraid to ask. Sans immediately looked down at you. "because she needed me. i gotta be honest, kakashi. the moment i know she knows everything she needs to know about herself as a monster, i'm not gonna live much longer. she's the only thing keeping me alive right now." Kakashi didn't know what to say. He didn't know about monsters or souls. "She will always need you Sans, you are her father." Sans chuckled, shaking his head. "no she won't. i may be her biological dad, but she will always go to you first. she will need you more than me. i trust you to take care of her, when my time comes."


You couldn't put your finger on it, but you were certain there was a mood shift between your fathers. It seemed melancholy but neither would tell you a thing. "what? nah, nothing happened. tibia honest, i slept most of the time." You frowned unimpressed. "You pun when you're lying, Comic Sans Gaster." You crossed your arms. He started to sweat bullets. "ok, ok i couldn't sleep, but i swear nothing happened-" Sans held his hands up in surrender. "Come on, we still got a day of travel ahead of us!" Kakashi ordered. "Hai Sensei!" Naruto and Sakura called back. You pointed at Sans. "This conversation isn't over." You told him, knowing that you had to help pack up the camp. "pretty sure it is, kiddo." Sans replied as you sighed and went to help. A sad smile crossed Sans face. "you don't need to know, pup. it's better you don't." Sans whispered to himself. Kakashi already promised to keep quiet until the day it came. They didn't want her worrying about something she couldn't stop.

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