The Power Called Magic

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Sans still hadn't found his daughter. He'd been searching for sixteen years. Searched the Land of Fire, the Land of Hotsprings, the Land of Lightning, the Land of Water and all its islands, so many territories beyond that. He found no trace. After awhile he began to care little of if people saw him. He still avoided the big villages, with his HP as it was, he couldn't afford to get caught by a mob of terrified humans... especially ones that could fight like the 'ninja' could. Eventually Sans had circled back and ended up in the Land of Tea and recrossed the Land of Fire to cross through the Land of Rivers. It was there that he sensed that he was being followed. Afraid that the ninja was finally after him, Sans tried to stay ahead of them as he searched for Sansita. They were still on his tail, even now as he roamed the Land of Rice. They were the least of his worries though. Whatever was surrounding him was. They weren't hard to destroy, these humans, but there was a lot and a couple of them that actually looked like humans, they were powerful.


Sans weaved around the scalpel of the white haired human and shortcut away from the male with lightning chirping in his hands. This completely ruined birds for Sans. He used to love birds. He fired blasters at the army of experiments, or so Sans guessed anyway. Bones spiked up from the ground, but the ravenette did a few backhand springs to get away. Sans huffed, losing stamina. He'd used a lot of magic on all these guys. He was going to have to undo his cuffs if he was gonna survive. "Funny, you remind me of someone that I used to know." The raventte commented. Sans gave the boy his attention, dropping his guard at the possibility that someone knew his daughter. "where? where is she now?! how do you know her!?" The male smirked. "Wouldn't you like to know?" Sans saw something from his peripheral vision and moved just in time to escape the small blade, hands grabbed onto his arms though, the experiments pulling Sans down. Then they were falling, knives stuck in their heads. "WHAT-?!" An explosion sounded, and the entire place was covered with thick smoke. Sans tried to catch his bearings only to feel someone touch him.


That had been much too close for your comfort as you peeked out from your hiding spot. You took another breath and disappeared again with Sans in tow, taking him to an Inn at a village just within your teleporting range. "I should've expected Sasuke to be there..." You grumbled as you pulled Sans along to the room you were staying in. Once the door was closed, you let the more than surprised Skeleton go and looked him over. "So you're my biological father, huh?" You questioned out loud. He was shorter than you imagined. But the power matched yours and he was a Skeleton so he had to be the one. "i... i can't believe it..." He approached you slowly, reaching to touch your cheek. You flinched away, baring your teeth a tad. He lowered his hand quickly. "sansita.." You blinked. "[Y/N]. Call me [Y/N]." Sans sighed. "right... ok... i just- you don't know how long i've been looking for you... there's so much i need to tell you... i-i'm so sorry i wasn't there for you.." You pivoted on a paw, padding towards the window. "I have an idea."


The next day you took Sans out for breakfast. He'd been finding it hard to talk to you, he seemed to believe that you blamed him for what happened. "Look, Sans, dad, whatever I call you, I get it. I know about the war and that you sent me to this world to protect me. For that I'm grateful. This is just... it's weird for me. I never thought I'd meet my real parents and I'm not sure how to react or how my adopted father will take this.. he did everything for me, even helped train me into this power despite the fact that it's different from Chakra." Sans tilted his head. "he trained you to use your magic?" You looked at him. "Magic? That's what it's called?" He nodded. "all monsters are born of magic. it's what holds our bodies and souls together, even yours somewhat." You tilted your head. "Souls?" Sans grinned. "i guess there is still some stuff i can teach you after all. ok, so the soul is the culmination of one's being, their everything. personality, attack, defense, health, you can see it all when checking a soul. humans have right-side up souls while monster souls are upside down."


You started on the road home, with Sans teaching you about your magic, about souls, and about how they are interconnected. "in regards to your magic, what can you do? you already demonstrated shortcutting." That's what your teleportion ability was called? It sounded unbelievably simple for how not simple it really was. "Well, I can levitate objects and things, summon bones and beast skulls that fire out lazars, and... that's it, other than the shortcuts. I'm practically a powerhouse in my- why are you so close?!" Sans had gotten creepily close, only to back away quickly with his hands up in surrender. "i was looking at your eyes, i noticed your pupils were slits rather than round!" You eyed him suspiciously. "Meaning..?" He chuckled quietly, though he looked a tad upset. "you're feral. you must have the same soul imbalance i do. have you bit anyone?" You shook your head, a little more curious. "No, why?"
"monsters have a special 'venom' in their magic, if a human is bitten, it will kill them." Sans explained. "Oh." That... that was bad. "... about the question though, the skulls are blasters, the levitation is blue magic. there's still a few more things i can teach you magic wise, like applying blue magic to bone projectiles and kr." He changed the subject. You were grateful.

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