The Undead

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It started with the Kage. You barely got the chance to meet your mate's father, who had tortured Gaara so much as a child. His shock towards Gaara having friends and being Kazekage was amusing, but it was learning about you that had really broken the dead man. You attacked while he was distracted, but his gold dust was fast. As fast as your mate's sand, which had caught you and brought you to your mate before Rasa could capture you. "[Y/N], are you ok?" He asked as you looked at him, then Rasa, then back again. "I'm good. So that's dear old dad, huh?" Gaara nodded solemnly. "That is my father and your future father in law." Rasa looked like he saw a ghost as Gaara said that. You nodded as you looked back down, narrowing your slit eyes at him and baring your teeth. You didn't like him for what he did, and you never would. With the distraction, though, Gaara was able to capture and trap Rasa. You took a note on the scent of the dead ones. They didn't smell like rotting corpses. They smelled like paper. It seemed that your work was cut out for you as the other Kage escaped the binding seals.


With an unspoken nod, you and Gaara split. Gaara and Onoki went after Mu to seal him away, while you distracted A with your magic and let the others in the division seal him away. A already proved to be an exceptionally powerful enemy with a Chakra stronger than most. But you were a monster hybrid from another world. Your magic would suffice in putting this paper man back where he belonged. Six feet under the ground. You found out quickly upon confronting him that he was also unbelievably fast, much faster than you originally thought. You were agile, though, and used that and your Ferality to sense and evade him. You noted how he hardly reacted to shrunken, kuni, and jutsu thrown at him by the others. He was impenetrable to Chakra types, it seemed, and normal weapons. You decided to see if your magic was the same and summoned bones and blasters. While the blasters easily deflected off his body, seemingly unable to penetrate his thick Chakra coating, the bones broke through and stabbed into his arms, legs, and torso. You had A's attention, now.


Unfortunately, now he knew to evade your bone magic. You also became his primary target since you were able to land hits. Evading him became all the more difficult as he tried to use his Hell Stab against you. In a panic, you found that unlike the Pain's that had attacked the village, the reincarnated had souls. You had grabbed A's and threw him up and back to avoid getting murdered by the Raikage. With this new revelation in mind, you knew what you could do to finally stop him and seal him away. When A found himself rooted to the spot, though, he used black lightning in order for you to release his soul from the blue magic you had put him under. "Dammit!" You growled to yourself as you tried to target his soul again. "Temari! I could use your wind style to slow him down so I can capture his soul again!" You called. "Happy to help, little sis!" You had to admit it was both weird and comforting to hear her say that. She released her wind style while you summoned bones to be propelled forward by the attack. Not even A could dodge it.


Naruto came in as soon as you had him under blue magic again. You knew it wasn't the real Naruto, just a clone, but you were happy to see him regardless. "Naruto! It's been a while! Help us out with this monster of a dead man here?" Naruto beamed upon seeing you, but considering the War, there wasn't much time for too much chatter. "I'm glad to see you're doing better [Y/N]! You can leave this guy up to me, ya know?" That said, Naruto did what Naruto did best. A was taken care of and sealed away so that you and the remainder of your half of the division could go back up Gaara and Onoki and help them with Mu and Gengetsu. The latter was already sealed away with another Naruto clone with them while Mu was trying to get an attack from behind Onoki. You were quick to summon a blaster to protect the old Tsuchikage from the non-human Tsuchikage. The blaster fired and sent him rocketing to Naruto, who had some jutsu ready to hit the man with so that he would finally be sealed away with the rest.


From there, the battle almost seemed to go too fast. With the help of your mate and his sand, Naruto's Planetary Resengan struck Mu and sent him flying. From there, Gaara sealed up Mu and discussed where to go and who to help went on from there. Most, if not all remaining, Shinobi tried to get a break-in before the battle began again. Fighting such monsters as the reincarnated Kage had been one hell of a task, and they were still going after the Madara Uchiha, as far as everyone was aware. Too bad none of you had no idea what was coming next. Out of nowhere the supposedly sealed Mu came with another person, someone who had your instincts screaming for you to run away and you found out why very quickly as two meteorites came crashing down and most of the fourth devision was decimated in the devastating attack. You were terrified into Ferality as you stared up at the nameless reincarnation who once more tried to kill the rest of you. Your blonde packmate quickly stopped the attack as your mate approached you to calm you down. You were quick to hide in him as he made noises of reassurance.

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