The Future

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This was both the happiest and saddest day of your life. Both the day of Naruto's wedding, as well as the day you moved to Suna with Gaara. While that in itself was something you wanted to do, you would have been lying if you hadn't thought of every person and thing you'd miss about Konaha. This had been your home. The place you grew up, protected, and provided for. Your best friend was here, your father was here, and your team was here. Sans had died here. But... it was time to move on with your life. Naruto already promised to send word of when they would make him Hokage so that you and Gaara would be there for the day, just as you promised you would. Speaking of Hokages, though, your dad poked his head into your room. "Are you all packed for your journey?" It wasn't long after the war that Tsunade stepped down, and your father took over as the sixth. You were extremely proud. "Just about... this is really it, huh?" Kakashi came in and went to give you a hug. "No, not at all. This is only the beginning... for you and Naruto both. You will always have a place here, [Y/N]."


You spent the morning with your parents after packing. Hizuki even invited over Yoru and Kasai for a little farewell get-together before the wedding. You could remember that first time meeting them. How quiet Yoru had been and reckless Kasai was. They had matured, you felt, since then. Yoru had actually cut his bangs so you could see his dojutsu, and Kasai had a girlfriend, apparently. Someone to contain that firy spirit of his, so to speak. "Man, so you're moving on out for real, huh? That's kinda a bummer. I thought you'd be sticking arou-oof-" Yoru elbowed Kasai in the ribs as he smiled at you pleasantly. "What Kasai means to say is we're happy for you. I'm sure Sunahagure will treat you well. Gaara will treat you well." Kasai nodded along as your tail began to wag as you beamed at them. "Thanks, guys! I really appreciate it!" Hizuki came out into the lawn from where she had been dealing with personal affairs called pregnancy. You doubted your father knew yet, Hizuki was still unsure herself, but you weren't. You could sense the little soul. "Are you kids ready to go?" She asked. "Hai, Sensei!" The boys said in unison. "Hai, okāsan!" Might as well start dropping hints. You already left an incrypted letter saying to turn your room into the nursery.


The hour of the wedding was upon you, and you stood eagerly by Hinata as a bridesmaid. Across from you was your soulmate and boyfriend. He seemed pleased with this little arrangement, and you'd be lying if you did too. The moment wasn't about you both, though. You looked up at Naruto and Hinata with an approving grin as Kakashi conducted the ceremony. If Naruto noticed, he didn't acknowledge it as he said his vows to Hinata and vice versa. Your tail twitched in amusement as he fumbled with the ring, and you, along with most attendees, bit back a chuckle. Hinata seemed amused herself as she slipped a ring on his finger. Before you knew it, Naruto was kissing his bride. "You nailed it!" You called to Naruto as they headed to the reception area. He looked back at you with his signature grin and laughed a little himself before he was pulled away by the other party goers. "[Y/N]..." Gaara offered an arm to which you gladly took.


You and Gaara couldn't stay long. You had to leave early tomorrow to Suna so he could take care of some Kazekage business, and you could settle yourself in. You did, however, stay to get a picture of Naruto's face full of cake and them opening their wedding gifts. Gaara's gift was him attending as a friend rather than the Kazekage. You got him a little heart locket with a picture of you and him in it. On the other side was a little message engraved into it. 'Best of friends, until souls end.' Hinata also got a wedding/parting gift from you. It was a necklace made from one of Sans' cuffs. Some of your magic was embedded into it to make it look more majestic and ethereal. Both gifts were made from the cuffs and your magic, actually. It was for both you and them. So they could keep you close, and you could keep a sense of them. If something happened, you'd know, and you'd come running. The last cuff you planned on using as wedding rings, when that time came for you and Gaara.


You and Gaara were up bright and early to leave. You had a blaster summoned to help haul your things to your new home and were about to head out when a certain blonde caught your attention. "Hey! [Y/N]! Wait!" You both paused and turned to look at Naruto as he slowed to a stop before you. "Did you..." He started, panting from the early wake up. You could tell he was barely awake, and yet he was still smiling at you. "Did you really think I was gonna let you go without saying goodbye?" You chuckled and went to hug your friend. "I was counting on you to come after me." You replied as you both parted. Naruto nodded and looked at Gaara. "I'm trusting you to take care of her." Naruto told him seriously. Gaara came to your side and circled an arm around your waist. "With my life." He replied as you blushed. You took note that Naruto was already wearing his locket. "Good... so then, this is goodbye for now then." You nodded and smirked at him. "No worries, I'll be back to pester~," you teased. You all laughed before you bid each other farwell, and you and Gaara moved on to the next chapter of your life. 

Is this the end of the book? Yes. Will there be a sequel? Maybe. I am a little curious as to how Boruto would react to meeting [Y/N], not to mention details I dropped that could be expanded upon. For now, though, this is the end. I still have ideas I wanna write and requests to fulfill if I can plot them out. Have a good morning/afternoon/night!


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