The Chakraless Shinobi

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"They are really cool, your skull things I mean!" You scoffed quietly in amusement. "You have a test in a few hours and we are talking about my weirdness?" Naruto nodded enthusiastically. "Yup! How's your progress been on your training anyway, think you will be a Genin?!" You laughed. "My power is progressing. But you should really stop worrying about me and worry about yourself. This is your third time taking the test, and you better get a big fat pass or... I don't actually know what I'll do, but I'll think of something!" You threatened. "Alright, alright geez. It's just... you're my only friend, y'know? I worry... and I suck at clone jutsu.. it's my worst technique." You gasped dramatically at Naruto who gave you a confused look. "Is that QUITER talk I hear? And from YOU of all people? For shame, Naruto." You crossed your arms and closed your eyes but your tail betrayed you as it wagged. "I DON'T quit!" Naruto raged. "I'll show EVERYONE that in capable and they will respect me! I will be hokage!" You gave him a determined smile. "Than show them that. You've got this." He started off to train but paused. "Hey, thanks [Y/N]!" You gave him a nod.


What you said was true. Your power, whatever it was, has been progressing at an alarming rate since that day. It imbedded itself deep within your mind, acting almost like some sort of instinct. Your senses had increased dramatically, and just looking at a person you could tell how strong they were and Naruto... there was something EXTREMELY powerful within Naruto that seemed malicious. You knew he'd never hurt you, but that chakra... it made you tense. Sometimes around the academy Naruto went to, you'd get this weird tugging in you chest, you typically ignored it to the best of your ability but sometimes it did make you curious. Then there was the physical manifestation of the power itself. First you and your dad had worked on the bones. How to manifest and manipulate them, change their size, sharpen them, and even change their color. Blue was all you could do, but in turning them blue, you'd both learned that the enemy would have to freeze in place in order not to be harmed. The Hokage had been impressed when you gained full mastery of you bone ability. Tonight, you had a test yourself on your mastery of the skull beams.


You and your father stood in a room where you were told the chunin exams were typically held. It looked to be some sort of battle arena with the Hokage and a man with a bowl cut hairstyle wearing green. You could tell he was extremely powerful despite his rather regular Chakra levels. "Hello Kakashi." Your father sweatdropped and looked to the Hokage. "Is this really her opponent?" Sarutobi took a puff off his pipe and responded. "If her progress with these weapons is as good as you say, he might be the best fit to her abilities." The man flashed a bedazzling smile that made you and your father deadpan. "That's right Kakashi, I was informed of the situation already and am prepared for whatever she throws at me!" You sighed quietly and gave your opponent a grin. "I am [Y/N] Hatake, I look forward to battling you." You slipped your hands into a dark blue, almost black, jacket that you'd recently gotten. Your tail swished back and forth almost lazily. The man smiled again. "Now that is the passion of youth! I am Might Guy, your opponent for your test!"


A taijutsu user. You learned right off the bat that he was a taijutsu user as he lunged at you to kick. You, of course, felt it coming and dodged past it, preforming a few back hand springs to put some distance between him and yourself. It didn't work out very well, Guy was fast. You threw out multiple blue bones to slow him down, all of which he dodged himself. Your eyes flashed yellow and [M/C] as you summoned a couple skull beams to aid you in the battle. Much like your own eyes, theirs was [M/C] with a yellow slit in the center. They fired powerful beams, one of them actually catching Guy and lowering his HP some. You had learned to distinguish that as health over your multiple training sessions with your dad and winced. Guy wasn't done though and jumped up. You were once again amazed at his speed and hardly had time to summon another skull to block it. The original two fired again, forcing Guy away from you. It was your turn to show him your taijutsu.


You shot forward on you paws, tail adjusting itself so you could keep your balance. You dropped onto a one handed stand, your paw connecting with Guy's forearm as he blocked the attack. You adjusted quickly, trying to kick yourself free with another paw, which he caught. But you weren't done. Your tail wrapped itself around his arm as you used your weight to pull him down with a growl. In seconds, you had Might Guy pinned with a sharpened bone to his throat. "Where's the Hokage?" You asked in confusion. "... There was some trouble in the village that he had to resolve." You moved off the Jonin below you. "Is Naruto ok?!" You already found yourself sensing for him. "He's fine, [Y/N], he'll be fine. You did well, I'm proud." You averted your gaze, bashfully running your claws through your hair. "You should finish up here." You looked over to Guy, who was holding out two fingers. "Right... the unison sign." You walked over, hooking two of your fingers to his as a show of respect and unity. "That was a good fight, [Y/N]. The youth is strong within you." You sweatdropped. "Uh.. and you as well, Might Guy." He flashed his grin again.

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