The Worst Day

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Chakra coated snakes were not fun to fight. Your bone attacks themselves were to small to do much damage. You were going to have to work on summoning larger bone attacks. Levitation with something as massive as these were a no go as well, so that left you with only blasters to attack with. Even then, their beams didn't seem to do much damage to the charkra that covered their skin. At least the snakes were more focused on you then then they were on the village. One of the snakes unhinged it's jaws, lunging at you. You jumped onto a blaster, allowing it to fire within the mouth of the snake. The beast gagged, head slamming into the ground where you'd been moments prior before you'd teleported away. "Nice to know their insides are still flamable.." Now you had a way to kill them. Another snake snapped up, making you jump off the blaster and on the slithering creature's head your face screwed up at the overwhelming snake scent as you planted a couple paper bombs before teleporting to a nearby roof as the bombs went off. You summoned bones to direct its attention to you again.


When the legendary Sanin Jiraiya showed up with other leaf reinforcements, taking out the snakes became a lot easier. The third one was squished by Jiraiya's 'Bring the House Down' Jutsu which was just a giant toad falling on the snake while the second snake swallowed one of your blasters only to be burned alive from the inside. "Well, now. You're strong and pretty. "What sort of jutsu was that?" Jiraiya question to which you shook you head. "Ew." You muttered before teleporting as close to the stadium as you remembered getting. You ran the rest of the way, hoping to help where you could. You spawned in bones and blasters to attack whoever was fighting your leaf allies, eventually running into your father and Guy along the way. "Kakashi Sensei!" He turned to you with an unconscious Sound shinobi in his arms. "[Y/N]! Is this Orochimaru's doing?" He looked surprised, but there was no time for explanations at the moment. "Yes, we believe so. I need you to go find Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Shikamaru and provide any backup they need, ok?" You gave an affirming nod. "Hai Sensei."


Naruto's scent was always easy for you to find, you've tracked it for years. You took off after it and jumped into the trees, occasionally falling into all fours to boost your speed. Being part animal had a lot of perks. You sniffed to make sure you were on the right track. You adjusted your course as necessary, knowing you were getting closer. You finally dropped down beside team seven. "Naruto! Gaara! Are you guys alright?!" You crouched beside your friend first despite the insistent pulling you felt in your chest. You healed up any wounds you found while the blonde smiled tiredly. "Just great... but man do I need a nap.." He complained. You chuckled, leaving him in the capable hands of his time while you went to Gaara. "S-stay away from me! S-stay away!" You shook your head as you crouched beside him and flipped him onto his back so you could heal him too, beads of sweat starting to form on your face. "You're hurt too, Gaara, let me heal you.." You mumbled as you focused on the task. "... but why..?" You locked eyes once more. "I want to be your friend, not your enemy." His eyes widened in shock.


Temari and Kankuro eventually came and collected their brother, and you lead the others back with a tired expression. You'd used up a lot of magic today. "Is that a Chunin Vest under your jacket?" Sakura asked. Sasuke peered over as well. "So that's why you weren't at the exams.." You readjusted Naruto on your back as you hummed an affirmative. "I was promoted early for a mission. When we get back and get to the hospital, I need to report to the Hokage." You replied as two familiar figures came into view. "Sasuke, Sakura. Everything good now?" Shikamaru asked. "Where's that Gaara guy- is Naruto ok? And why are you here?" Asuma Sensei, Shikamaru's team leader, also gave you a questioning look as he lit a cigarette. "I was told to come and provide backup by Kakashi Sensei. Gaara's gone and Naruto exhausted his Chakra, otherwise everyone here is fine." You made sure to heal Sasuke and Sakura before you'd all left. "Well then we should probably head back and plan our next course of action." Asuma decided to which you nodded in agreement.


With Naruto being checked on at the hospital, you tried to find the Hokage... but... you didn't like what you'd found. "D-did Orochimaru do this..?" You asked as an Anbu covered the dead Hokage with a thin sheet. "He sacrificed himself to try and take out Orochimaru. Unfortunately he didn't succeed and the traitor escaped." Your tail hit the ground as you looked down in sadness. "My condolences..." What now? The Hokage was dead, who was gonna be the next Hokage? Why did Hiruzen have to die..." You were eventually ordered to leave since there was nothing you could do there. You headed home with dull throb in your chest as you thought of how kind the Hokage had been to you. He was like that authoritative, yet great grandpa that everyone loved. The soul of the village, so to speak. You peeled off your jacket and vest, discarding them on the floor before you flopped onto your bed and curled up on yourself. This had to be the worst day of your life yet.

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