The Boy

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You knew you were different. Everyone in the village treated you so. Was it because your body was different, was it because of your [E/C] eyes and your strange yellow slit pupils? Or maybe because you didn't have Chakra like everyone else? You really couldn't say. Your father was nice, but then again, he raised you. You knew he wasn't your actual father. He'd said as such and his scent wasn't anywhere near similar to yours, never mind appearances. Still, you couldn't complain. At least you had someone on your side and someday, everyone else would see you for you too. You couldn't afford to give up. Today, you were determined to make at least one friend! You slipped into a fishnet shirt and [F/S] pants to hide your bones and tail. It was a bit uncomfortable but you got less stares that way. Unfortunately there was no way to hide your paws. You slipped on a pair of sunglasses to hide your eyes and left your [H/C] hair [Up/Down]. You completed the look with a pair of [F/C] fingerless gloves and went downstairs for breakfast. It was the most important meal of the day, after all.


"I see you're up and raring to go." Your father commented as he pulled the cereal out of the cupboard. "And you're hiding again. How can anyone see you for you if you keep hiding who you are?" He questioned. "You hide your face and your Sharingan." You pointed out. "I hide my face for adult reasons and you know that!" He defended as you gave him an airy smirk as you pulled out a bowl and dumped some cereal into it. "And I'm not hiding my Sharingan. I'm resting it so it's ready for full use next battle." He handed you the milk and you poured some in and handed it back so he could pour some into a glass. "Ok, well I'm going to make a friend today." Kakashi set the glass down and handed you a spoon. "That's good, it's about time you make friends. Could I at least convince you to take off the sunglasses?" You snapped your jaws at his fingers. "Ah, ah, ah! No biting, [N/N]!" You grumbled and started on your cereal. "You're nearly four now, you seriously need to break that habit." You stuck your tongue out at him, making him sigh. "Children..."


You roamed the streets, glad that most people weren't paying you any mind. The park was where you were headed, since that was where all the other children were. It was hard to make friends since all the other children were in that academy for ninja. She would be there too, if she had Chakra. Instead she was being homeschooled by Kakashi and sometimes Yamato or Itatchi if Kakashi was busy. He still had to work for money, after all. "Hey you, get back here!" She froze, bristling as a blonde haired boy rushed past her with something in his hands. Did he just steal- you were already running after him with the intention of giving it back. "Hey, hey! What are you chasing me for!" The boy panicked as he ran faster. "Give that back!" You snapped. He shook his head. "Nuh-uh, I got it fair and square! He was cheating me out of my money!" You crouched and pounced, tackling him down. "You don't believe me, do you?! You're just like the rest of them, aren't you, you just want me to go away!" You tilted your head at him. You knew he wasn't lying, you could see it. "No. I just want you to explain. What was going on?"


The boy told you of how he played this game to win the prize he got, a frog wallet, and how they said they weren't going to give it to him unless he played three times and won all three times so he took it and ran since that wasn't the original deal. "Sounds like a jerk." You huffed decidedly. "Yeah, no kidding... I'm... Naruto, Naruto Uzumaki by the way, the future Hokage!... funny, you're the only person who's ever really been nice to me." He admitted. You looked at him, startled. "Hokage?" He nodded vehemently. "That way everyone can stop treating me with disrespect and see me for me, y'know?" You froze, giving him your full attention. "... yeah, I do. I'm [Y/N] Hatake. Can we meet again, at the swings tomorrow?" His blue eyes glittered. "R-really?!" You nodded. "Yeah. I want you to see me for me too. So let's meet up again tomorrow." He gave a giant, infectious grin. "Ok then! I'll see you tomorrow, [Y/N]!" You gave an easy going grin back. "See you tomorrow, Naruto."


You wore shorts today and didn't put on your sunglasses either. Naruto was going to see you for you and maybe if things went well, you could be friends. Maybe. Hopefully. You shook you head and left the house, full on sprinting towards the park as not to deal with the stares. You jumped the fence surrounding the area and brushed yourself off, trying to seem calm as whispers started to circulate. "What is that?"
"What is it doing here?"
"Is it dangerous?" You brushed some hair out of your face. 'Ignore them.' "[Y/N]! Hey!" You nearly froze when Naruto spotted you. "Oh wow!" He ran over and crouched down. "How do you even walk?" You were a bit taken aback, but answered. "My tail helps with my balance." He looked at your tail. "Can I touch it? Why are you legs bone anyway, and why do you have a tail?" He was seriously curious, which you hoped to be a good sign. "Sure, go ahead. Um. I'm not sure about the other questions, my dad told me I was born this way."
"It's seriously cool! Why hide it?" You looked around. "Self confidence reasons." Naruto looked up at you. "Heh, well maybe I can help with that?" You nodded slowly. "I'd like that."

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