The Return of the Skeletons

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It took a few days to get home, but they were a good few days. Sans was good company. He mostly worked on teaching you how your magic worked, taught you check (which was something you recognized doing instinctively), showed you what a soul looked like (yours was a [S/C] upside-down soul), and a few other important things relating to your species of monster. "Well, well, look who's back!" You looked over at Izumo and Kotetsu as you and Sans crossed through the gate. "You've gotten taller in the year and a half that you were gone, [Y/N]!" You shrugged. "Hey boys, it's nice to see you again." You greeted in return. "Naruto back yet?" Izumo shook his head. "You beat him home." You feigned a victory dance before glancing at a highly amused Sans. "W-well- I should probably see the Hokage now, see ya later!"
"We'll let you know if we see him!" Izumo called after you as you dragged Sans along. "i've kinda been avoiding big places like this and here you are living in one.." You laughed. "Yep, welcome to Konahagure, the village that took me in as a pup."


You knocked on the Hokage's office door while Sans looked around. There wasn't a response, making you frown. You inhaled deeply. They weren't even here. "This way." You started tracking Tsunade's scent. It seemed that Shizune and Sakura were with her. Girls day out? You focused on trying to pinpoint their location. No... they were training. You grabbed Sans sleeve and took a shortcut to the training grounds, only to shortcut into a tree as the ground shifted and crumbled beneath you. "Well done Sakura, but you still a little out of control with your Chakra." Tsunade praised. "hey, i know that old lady." Sans commented as he looked at Tsunade. "Don't let her hear you say that, she'll kill you with one punch." Sans shuttered. "i can see that. this is a terrible place to have only one hp..." You patted Sans skull. "Don't worry, I'll protect you." You mused before jumping down. "Hey Lady Tsunade, I'm back!" You gave a chill wave as Sans joined you on the ground. "[Y/N]!" Sakura cheered. "Welcome back [Y/N]. What took so long?" You chuckled and glared playfully at Sans as he held up his hands. "Hard to find a target that knows you're tracking him."


Tsunade took Sans to get him settled into the village. That gave you time to track your father down and have a long awaited bonding time. You needed to talk to him about Sans anyways. He was at home, which was good for you. You dropped your bag off in your room before coming up to Kakashi. "Welcome back." You smiled. "Thanks. It's good to be back." Your father turned around to hug you, something you gladly accepted as your tail wagged happily. "How did it go? Did you find him?" You nodded. "Yeah... I found Sans. He's in the village now and has been teaching me about my power... my magic." Kakashi nodded. "Is that what it is called? Magic?"
"Yeah... so... about Sans..." Kakashi glanced at you. "You think I'm going to get jealous of him or something because he's your biological father? No. I've known you your entire life, [Y/N], I know that you have more than enough love for two dads." He chuckled. You smiled at him. "Well, it's been over a year since I spent time with one. Let's say we go do something together, hm?"


You'd enjoyed your night out with your dad, but the next day, it was time to start training. She wanted to learn everything about her magic. "Hey [Y/N], why don't you bring Sans over for dinner so I can meet him?" You tilted your head. "Yeah, sure!" You took a shortcut out to find your other father. "Why am I getting Kung Fu Panda 3 vibes from this?" You wondered to yourself as you picked up Sans scent and tracked him to his new housing unit. You were about to knock, but Sans opened the door, his eyelights tired slits. His jacket wasn't on and he looked disheveled. "... you just woke up, didn't you? It's almost noon Sans-" He shrugged. "i think i deserve to sleep in after spending years trying to find you-" He defended before yawning. "Sans, can we train my magic? Please?" You gave him puppy eyes. Sans head drooped. "fiiine... let me get my cuffs and jacket..."
"My dad was hoping you would join us for dinner too." Sans paused from locking himself into his cuffs. "i'll be there." When you got there, you noticed Kasai and Yoru training in Taijutsu with Guy Sensei and Lee. Good on them.


You trained in the basics first to show Sans what you could do with your magic. Tomorrow you would start with whatever you haven't learned yet. For now though, it was dinnertime and your dad's would meet for the first time. "I'm home, with- Hizuki Sensei?" Her ears twitched. "Hello [Y/N], welcome back." You had smelled her around the house, but you hadn't had the chance to question you dad yet, you just focused on spending time with him. But now... "Should I start calling you mom?" Hizuki blushed. "Um, yes. I was actually going to bring that up at dinner, [N/N]." Kakashi had come in as you said that. "It's cool, I'm glad you found someone! I like Hizuki Sensei too, so you know. Daughter's approval and all that." You looked to a confused Sans. "That's my dad, Kakashi and that's his girlfriend and my Sensei Hizuki." The Skeleton nodded in understanding. "guess i owe you both for keeping her safe for me." Sans said sincerely. "Of course, if there's anything you would like to know, I'm more than happy to swap stories."
"Dad no!!!"

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