The Secret

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"Found you!" Naruto smiled his broad smile as you made your appearance next to the swings and leaned against the mighty oak that held it. "I succeeded in taking down my Sensei, but I wouldn't have been able to do it without Yoru and Kasai." Naruto's smile quickly faltered as he got of the swing and approached you. "You're hurt. She must've been a tough opponent, huh?" You snorted and rolled your eyes. "Yes because it's that easy for a bunch of Genin to take out a Jonin." Naruto had taken out some bandages and was fixing you up. "Jeez, [Y/N], you don't have to be so sarcastic." He stuck his tongue out at you before continuing. "Besides, didn't you beat a Jonin in order to become a Genin?" You tilted your head to the side, paws shuffling in place. "Well yeah but... I don't have anything to break Genjutsu and I'm fairly sure she was notified before the battle of my unique circumstances." You explained the best you could. "Yoru had to help me out." Naruto went back to the swing, satisfied with his work. "I'm kinda shocked, all I ever seen that kid do was read in class."


"How'd things go with you? I'm sure my dad didn't make it easy for you." Naruto drooped forward groaning. "We passed, but they left me tied to a post.. ultimately I had to wiggle down to escape... it took foorevvver!" You chuckled as your tail wagged in amusement. "Ok, now you're just being dramatic." Naruto jumped up, holding his hands up with a flourish. "But it did!" You couldn't help but laugh at his antics, and judging by the grin on his face, that had been his goal. "I'm glad we are now officially Genin. My first mission is tomorrow." You informed him after your laughter had subsided. "Hey, me too!... your dad's going to be late... isn't he?" You grinned all the wider. "Isn't he always?" Naruto drooped once again, less than happy with this development. "How is he still a Jonin?!" You shrugged as you took a seat, paws crossing over each other and tail wrapping loosely around them. "He's shockingly good at being on time for missions... and my birthday, believe it or not." This time Naruto laughed. "Well I hope so! You're his daughter!" You glanced away, knowing full well he was lacking in that department. Time for a subject change.


"So... on to a slightly more serious subject... what else did you want to talk about?" Naruto's smile faltered, his expression shifting into something thoughtful and serious. "I found out something recently, and I don't know who else to talk to about it." You gave him a concerned look and moved to sit closer to your friend. "What is it..?" You asked with uncertainty. Naruto looked at you, unsure of where to start. "Have you ever heard of the Nine-Tailed Fox?" You had heard the story, yes. "The fox that attacked Konaha twelve years ago?" Naruto nodded solemnly. "Yeah, that's the one..." He replied. "And it's sealed within me." It took you a moment to process and a moment longer to realize you were hugging onto your friend tightly. It made sense. The mencing feeling you got on occasion around him, the crazy amount of power that Naruto had compared to other Shinobi you'd seen. Naruto was hugging you too, now, crying. Of course it scared him. Naturally it scared him. He was host to a giant, powerful, evil creature. But if anyone could control it... he could.


Eventually you and Naruto did have to go home. You comforted him as long as you could though. You were going to be there for your friend, no matter what. You entered the house with a tired sigh. "How'd your test go?" You heard your dad call out from the kitchen. You could smell rice cooking, the scent of curry made your mouth water. You wandered over to the kitchen and poked your head in. "The test went pretty good. I heard Naruto got tied up?" Kakashi chuckled. "Yes, he was trying to cheat by eating before the test was over." You sat at the table as your tail wagged eagerly. "Speaking of eating, I haven't eaten all day! Please tell me it's almost done?" Kakashi looked at you. "And why haven't you made a lunch today?" You ducked your head and gave an apologetic grin, tail low and submissive. "I, uh, forgot?" It was true. You did forget. You really shouldn't, you knew that food increased your power exponentially. Maybe subconsciously you knew that, and you wanted a fair fight? You relaxed onto the table, closing your eyes. "It will be done in a few minutes."


You were up early for a shower and changed into a fishnet shirt, a pair of black shorts, your blue/black jacket, and your headband tied around your neck. You styled your hair the way you liked it and snuck downstairs as not to wake up your dad, if he wasn't awake already. Judging by your senses, he was and already gone. Most likely to the cemetery to see his friends. You did pack a lunch this time, you didn't know what sort of missions you would be getting so you would need all the power you could get, and headed out towards the Hokage's office. You were the first there of Team Eleven, it seemed. "[Y/N], how are you doing?" The Hokage asked while you both waited. "I'm good. Eager to conduct my first mission!" Your tail wagged as if to prove your eagerness. The Hokage smiled in amusement. "You and Naruto are still close?" You nodded. "That's correct, sir. He's my best friend."
"That's good. He needs friends like you in his life." The Hokage replied approvingly. It wasn't long after that that the others came, Hizuki Sensei first, then Yoru, then Kasai. Finally, Team Eleven was ready for its first mission!

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