The Written Exam

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I did up changing some things in other chapters to make this fit because honestly, it was an amazing idea. I was originally going to have you with Kiba since he's my favorite character and dogs and yes, but I like this better. A cold heart would like a wild one! Thanks Mr. Dunk!

It was him. The redheaded boy. He was looking right at you with an almost surprised expression on his otherwise emotionless features. Again you wanted both to flee from him and get closer, like you were being pulled towards him. You opted to bare sharp canines at him in an attempt to show him you weren't afraid. It was a complete lie, you were terrified, but you weren't going to show it a second time. You may have to face off stronger opponents in the future. He didn't even flinch as you locked eyes with him.

Gaara of the Sand

ATK: 690

DEF: 815

HP: 800

LV: 16

Is intrigued by you.

A hand touched your shoulder, pulling you out of the accidental staring contest that you'd found yourself in. It was Yoru that had pulled you out of it, if you could see his eyes, you were sure he would have a worried expression. "You're trembling, try to ignore him if you can." You nodded, taking one more glance back to see him looking down, rubbing the center of his chest. Did he feel the weird pull too?


You ended up turning your attention upon a certain blonde friend of yours, his teammates and others of that class. That you just remembered your team was also apart of seeing as Kasai was walking over with an eager smile. "Heya guys, looks like we're all here!" A brunette with a white pup whistled at you. "Kasai, Yoru, man, who's the girl?"
"Your death, if you try something with me." You weren't sure why you were suddenly defensive, but you supposed no girl liked being cat called. "Oh, I remember you!" Oh great, it was her. "Your that weirdo who's friends with Naruto!" Yoru, Kasai, and Naruto immediately came to your defense, despite the fact that you weren't so easily going to let someone like her hurt your feelings. You decided to look around at the competition instead. Many looked like fearsome opponents and you felt that you couldn't trust the white haired leaf shinobi with glasses for some reason. There was something off about one of the grass ninja too, it's like she was watching you..


Eventually you learned the names of the class. Team 10 was Ino Yamanaka, Choji Akamichi, and Shikamaru Nara. Team 8 consisted of Hinata Hyuga, Kiba Inuzuka, and Shino Aburame. Team 9 was made up of Tenten, Rock Lee, and Neji Hyuga. Then of course there was yours and Naruto's teams. You honestly didn't pay much attention after that. You were looking for Gaara again. You weren't sure why, you knew the fear he gave you, yet there was something almost thrilling about it. Something you could describe. Unfortunately before you could find him, the Sound started something from that white haired guy from earlier. Whatever their toys were, you could hear them well and the noise was painful to you as you covered them in a futile attempt to make it stop. You whimpered, catching Naruto's attention. "[Y/N]?! What's wrong!?" He crouched beside you in a panic. "I think it's the sound attack that hit Kabuto. She heard it and it hurt her as well." Yoru explained. After a minute the ringing in your ears went away. The sound was definitely someone to be weary of as well.


Not to long after that the exam started. It was simple a written test with nine questions, the tenth and final question would be given fifteen minutes before the exam ended. Only it wasn't actually that easy. The questions were impossible to answer. You heard the scratch of pencil on paper, someone knew the answers. You focused your senses on the person four seats in front of you. All you had to do was follow their movements. They had the answers you were seeking. Were you supposed to be cheating like this though? You dare try not to look at the others tests. If you were caught, you'd be expelled and you didn't need that. You put your pencil down about thirty seconds after the one you copied as not to look two suspicious. You hoped that the call you made was the right one. As you continued to watch and listen, you determined others were doing the same. It wasn't just a written exam, it was an Intel gathering mission and those caught were 'dead'. What could you do for your next free half hour? A nap sounded good.


You jolted awake as Naruto slammed his hand down on his desk. Was it over..? "Don’t underestimate me! I don’t quit and I don’t run." He snapped at the exam proctor, Ibiki. A good portion of the examinees were gone, they all probably failed. "Nobody else is going to leave?" Ibiki asked as you blinked in confusion. Why would you? "I wasn't expecting such a large amount of you to stay... very well. You all pass." That only threw you off more. What the hell was going on?! What'd you miss?! Crap, he was explaining right now and you were still missing it, call down! You took a breath and focused in on what he was saying as you struggled to actually wake up. You managed to catch the tail end of his explanation which meant you were going to have to ask one of the boys later what you'd missed. It was around this time when you felt someone hurtling towards the window and shatter through. The purplette threw kunai into the wall on either end, effectively putting up a congratulatory banner. She introduced herself as Anko, the proctor for the second exam.

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