The Preliminaries

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After your father left with Sasuke, the next match started, it was one of the sound versus that bug guy, Shino. Watching that match definitely made you want to respect insects more as Shino practically wiped the floor with the sound guy. Almost immediately after, it was Yoru versus a genin from the Village hidden in the Grass. They were the last team that wasn't from the Hidden Leaf other than Gaara's Team and those Sound Ninja. "I would really like to see if he can do anything other than that Genjutsu of his." Hizuki Sensei mused as the pair went down. Kunai was thrown the second the proctor jumped out of the way. It went straight to taijutsu, where they both struggled to gain the upper hand. "Why isn't his Genjutsu working on this ninja?" Kasai asked. You were just as curious as the pair punched and kicked at each other. "I have two theories. Either that Grass Ninja is blind or they know about Yoru's eyes and is avoiding looking into them." You never realized how helpless Yoru was without his Kekkei Genkai. He didn't seem to know any Ninjutsu and his Taijutsu was admittedly mediocre. The match ended in a tie with neither of them advancing to the finals.


The next match you didn't stay to watch as you went with the medics to check on Yoru. You watched the medical Ninja do their do their thing, healing the fractures Yoru had gotten, bruises, and cuts. He would be fine and really just needed some rest. Your tail twitched, it really did seem very similar to your healing, using their Chakra to mend the broken. It piqued your interest on how similar Chakra and your power really was. After awhile you had to head back though, your match could be at any time. It turned out you'd missed both Gaara's siblings matches and Sakura's match. Now Kasai was fighting against another Grass Ninja. "Fire Style Burning Bolts!" To say it was a bit more lively than Yoru's which made sense speaking that it WAS Kasai. The Grass Ninja used an earth wall to block Kasai's Burning Bolts only for the Chakra infused fire Bolts to burn through the wall and strike the Grass Ninja's shoulder. They cried out in pain as he made more hand signs. "Fire Style Heat Wave!" A large wave of fire rose up like a tsunami upon the fearful Grass Ninja. It crashed down upon them, giving them no room for to escape. Kasai won the fight by a landslide.


After rushing the Grass Ninja to the emergency ward, the next fight commenced. You and Kasai went to check on Yoru again. "Dude, that was brutal. I didn't know you had that in you." He laughed before yawning. "I don't like to use it often, it saps a lot of my Chakra." You both paused as Yoru left his room. "Yoru... buddy... we are working on your Ninjutsu when the exams are done, you sucked." Kasai stated bluntly, making Yoru's head fall. "I know.." You patted you teammates back. "Don't worry yourself too much buddy. We'll help you out." Yoru gave you a small smile. "How did your matches go?" You looked at Kasai who yawned again. "I haven't went yet and he Wiped the floor with his Grass Ninja. Speaking of, I'll probably be up soon, so I'm going to head back." The boys shrugged as and followed you back to the battle arena where you saw Naruto was about to begin his battle.


You cheered Naruto on from your spot beside you father. You he'd gotten back not to long after Yoru's match and had been watching ever since. Admittedly it wasn't going well for Naruto. After the dog boy Kiba threw those smoke bombs, he and his pup started ambush attacking your friend, putting you on edge. "Come on Naruto, show him how strong you've gotten!" You encouraged from your spot crouched on the railing. That was until Naruto, under the disguise of Akamaru, ran at Kiba and bit him. Your tail wagged at the turning tides. "Good thinking." Only for the tides to turn again when Akamaru was fed a performance enhancer pill and the Man Beast Clone technique. They continuously used the Fang Over Fang Jutsu on him, but you knew Naruto wasn't done yet. He wouldn't allow himself to be beaten so easily. The smoke bombs were Kiba's final mistake, giving Naruto the cover to transform into a third version of Kiba. Kiba thought he sniffed out Naruto, and he did, but Naruto didn't let Kiba know that as he punched Naruto in the face, only for him to transform into Akamaru again. Confused, Kiba went after the real Akamaru. His ultimate downfall though, was Naruto's fart.


You jumped down when your turn finally came. You had to wait until after the Hyuga match, but it was finally here and you didn't plan on letting your opponent to make a single move against you. You had a strategy and you weren't straying from it. "Well, don't you look like a freak?" Your opponent taunted. She wanted to make you angry. You weren't going to let her as you kept your expression a to a light smile. You'd read that smiling could make your opponent lose their confidence. "Start!" The proctor jumped out of the way as you pressed your hands to the ground, bones ripping up from the cement and towards your opponent. She jumped out of the way forming handsigns as she did so, so you summoned a Blaster, making her scream as she was hit with the powerful laser. You then lifted her up in your levitation ability and slammed her into the wall before you pulled her to your person and socked her in the gut. You lifted her up again, as high as you could, before letting her drop. She did not get back up.

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