Old Self Harm Scars

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Relationship Status- Dating for a few months (You were friends for 2 years before) 

{Tw- Mentions of self-harm and Scars}

"Hey [Name] I'm early hope you don't mind"

You guys were going to having a movie night with Eddie at your apartment and you had just gotten out the shower but he wasn't supposed to be here. 

"I'm coming in"

"No Eddie don't..." 

Too late he was already in the doorway staring at you as you finish wrapping yourself in the towel. 

"Uh Eddie do you mind"

"Sorry love I'll leave you to finish" 

He goes to leave, looking back at you one last time when he stopped in the doorway, his hand still holding the doorknob as he stares at your legs in shock his face slowly going pale the longer he stares.

"Eddie is everything alright, what's wrong" 

 Looking down you realize your towel doesn't cover the many rows of scars left on your thighs and arms. You look into Eddie's eyes that are still glued to your scars before running to the door pushing Eddie out the way, slamming and locking the door behind him as you put your clothes trying to forget that he just saw them, hoping he would forget about it. 

Eddie had finally realized that you slammed the door in his face after seeing what he knows are old scars but he didn't want to believe that you could've done that to yourself  but he knew that he was right. The thing the he didn't know was why you did it or if he was the reason. He walked to the door trying to open it but you had locked it.

"[Name], please open the door"

"No Eddie, please go" 

"I wanna talk to you, please open the door" 

You didn't want to see his face, probably heartbroken at the truth he just realized. You dropped to the floor, leaning against the door as you started to sob thinking about everything that just happened. As the tears streamed down your face you hear Eddie start talking 

"[Name] please" he pleaded again

You didn't want to answer him knowing you voice would betray you but you couldn't listen to him. He sounded so heartbroken like he was going to cry too

"Why do you even care" you whispered 

Eddie was shocked at what you had just said to him, he couldn't even respond

"No one else cares so why would you Eddie"


"Whenever someone sees my scars they get all disgusted and creeped out. Slowly backing away from me leaving me all alone just like the freak I am" 

"[Name] I won't leave you"

"Thats what you say now but eventually you'll get tired of me just like the rest of them do and then you'll leave me but who would want to stay with a loser like me? A sick, useless piece of trash thrown away but everyone" you said.

 Your voice sounded empty like a shell of your usually happy tone. Eddie couldn't understand why, he noticed that you sometimes looked tired or troubled but he didn't think anything of it then. 

"Was I really that bad of a boyfriend that I didn't notice what they were going through" Eddie thought to himself. 


You didn't respond, you couldn't  respond to him all you wanted was for him to leave and never come back. 

"I just want you to know that I won't leave you not matter what happens. [Name] I'm scared that I'll lose you and I don't want to lose you. I know that whatever's going on won't just go away but I can try and help you. Hell I want to help you so please [Name] let me help you" He pleaded as he slowly started to cry.

You didn't know what to say, he sounded desperate and heartbroken. You could hear him sniffle a bit. "Was he crying" You got up and opened the door to find Eddie sitting on the floor against the bed crying into his hands. I dropped to my knees besides him as he looks to meet my tear filled eyes, I couldn't hold the tears in anymore and I started sobbing again. Eddie pulled me into his lap wrapping his arms around me as I started crying harder in to his shoulder. He was still crying as we both hugged each other tightly. 

"I promise I'll never leave you ever again and if you ever need me, I'll always be there" He said through tears. 

Word Count- 743

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