Depression Comfort

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Relationship Status- Dating 

{Tw-Sh urges}

You heard a knock at the door but you couldn't bother to get up out of bed. 

"[Name] You didn't go to school today, I'm worried about you" Eddie said behind the closed door 

You debated going to open the door for him to let him in but you really didn't want to deal with people right now even though its Eddie. Maybe it was more like I didn't want to see anyone especially Eddie. You felt like a disappointment for how you felt even though you have been doing well for awhile now, you had relapsed in your depression. You had been trying for so long to not let it get to you, but it did and you couldn't help but feel ashamed. Ashamed at the fact that you now felt the need to hurt yourself but this wasn't a new feeling, after so long though the urges felt ten times worse. 

"[Name] could you please let me in" 

Eddie knew the door wasn't locked but he didn't want to just barge in if you didn't want him to, even though he really wanted to cause he was worried about you. He noticed your mental health declining over the past few weeks and now he was blaming himself for not helping you sooner and letting it get to this point. Maybe seeing you could convince that he was over reacting and that everything is fine but knowing Eddie that wouldn't be realistic cause he so observant when it comes to you. You debated not let him in but you decide that you would give him a try. 

"Come in" you said, sitting up in your bed still wrapped in your blanket 

Eddie stepped in the room, studying everything before sitting down on the bed next to you. Nether of you wanted to say anything so you both sat in silence for awhile until Eddie spoke up

"Your not doing well again, are you" He asked with a sigh 

You really wanted to tell him that your fine and that your just not feeling good today. Looking at Eddie concerned face as he stares at the cluttered floor waiting for your answer you decided that you didn't feel like it anymore. 

"I'm really not. My depression is back really bad and the urge to self harm is worse than before" you said leaning your head on his shoulder 

"I'm sorry, I didn't say anything before. I saw things were going downhill the last few weeks but I didn't want to believe it" Eddie said wrapping his arm around your shoulders

"I know you think that you can always help me but realistically you can't and maybe I'm just someone you can't help" you sighed 

You were frustrated, you didn't want to feel this way, yet it was so persistent whether it be weeks or months. It always seemed to come back and you hated it

"You know your right I'm might not be able to help you but that once stop me from trying too" Eddie said squeezing you closer to him 

Eddie just wanted to hold you and never let go. He wanted to reassure you through his touch that he would never stop trying to help you and that you shouldn't stop either. 

"I love you and I'm gonna make sure that you never forget that" Eddie said kissing you forehead before pulling you in for a hug. 

"Promise me your never gonna give up not matter how hard it gets" Eddie said staring into your eyes 

"I promise" you said staring back 

With that answer he pulled you onto the bed covering you and him the blanket before wrapping his arms around you and falling asleep. 

Word Count- 623

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