Another A/N

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Hi guys,

So I've been thinking that it's time for me to finish this book. I know you guys have been wanting be to write more for this but as you guys know I haven't had the time. So I'm gonna do a little explanation on why I haven't. So when school started in September  I had 8 classes and with no study halls (a free period to do homework) and I was doing soccer after school daily, along with weekend practices and during this I was trying to maintain a relationship. So in October my mental health declined causing me to break up with my ex and I was back to old habits (smoking/sh) I kept trying to deal with everything on top of soccer with no breaks until November. In November I got a break from sports, I needed to catchup on work and get ready for basketball which started in two weeks. During basketball, my team was really toxic so I was still being more into those habits. My grades started to slip and I had midterms coming up. Also during this I got injured and was unable to play but I went to practices.  In January I got my grades to passing and did my midterms and things started to get better. February hit and things have started to slip again. Now that I have a break in my schedule, I can keep up with some of it but I had been missing class for PT making everything harder. Now that I have softball starting, I think it's best to end the book here. I've also just fallen out if the fandom really and don't think it's best of me personally to continue writing this. 

I've been pondering about making another book later in the year (probably over the summer) but I just want to say thank you for the support and for reading my book. 

Goodbye for now.. 

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