Panic Attack

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Relationship Status- Friends and you guys are in collage 

{Tw- Panic Attack} 

Eddie got a text from you around 1:00am reading...

"My room"

Eddie slipped out of his dorm and made his way to your door. He knocked on your door, but you didn't come open it so he tried to open it and sure enough it was unlocked. He stepped in to see you sitting on the floor, hugging a pillow and trembling. 

"[Name] are okay" he says coming to sit next to you 

You weren't looking at him, you eyes were looking straight ahead but your eyes looked like you didn't actually see anything in front of you. Your lips were moving but no sound would come out. 

"Eddie" you whispered so quietly he could barely hear it

"I'm here" he said pulling you into his chest

You were still holding on to the pillow, but instead had buried your face into his chest as you keep trembling and muttering for awhile. Although he couldn't make out what you were saying he kept holding you and caressing your back. 

"Thank-Thank you" you said still trying to calm down

"No problem" He smiled and  hugged you even closer 

"I'll always be there for you [Name]" was the last thing you heard as you drifted off to sleep. 

Word Count- 216

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