Selfharm Urges

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Relationship Status- Friends since freshman year and you guys are seniors 

{Tw- Mentions of self harm} 

Eddie got a knock on his door a few hours after school ended for the week. He was working on homework and listening to music so he didn't notice the knocking for like 5 minutes, so you decided to knock harder causing you to scare him but he came and opened the door. 

"[Name] sorry, I was busy with homework. Come in and sit"

"Can I talk to you, I know your busy but I really need your help" You said shakily 

Eddie picked up on your uncomfortable feeling about something and sat down across from you, looking at you with a worried look"

"I have a confession to make...I've been struggling with self harm and trying to stay clean"

"Oh..I'm sorry you've been dealing with that and I wish you came by sooner. What is it that you need me to do" 

"I just need you to be there for me and listen to me when I need you too"

" I can totally do that for you and if you need advice I can give you some"

"Thank you, Eddie" you say as you walk over to give him a hug before leaving. 

Word Count-209 

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