Overworked and Depressed

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Relationship status- Dating and you are really stressed cause of finals 

A text lit up your phone, you sighed grabbing your phone to read it. It was Eddie asking if you were okay, since you hadn't called or texted him or answer you phone in general for a few days. 

"I'm fine just kinda tired" you answered him

You were laying in your bed after taking a shower, you still had your towel wrapped around you since you didn't have enough energy to put anything but your underwear on. You  had told him you were just tired but in reality you were exhausted. You had been your butt off studying for the last week to prepare for finals, staying up all night and going to school during the day only living off caffeine and energy drinks. Honestly you just wanted to go to sleep for a week or fall into a coma. Your phone chimed with a new message

"Wanna talk about it" 

"Not really, tell me about your day" 

Eddie knew you didn't want to talk about what has been going on with you so he did as you requested and talked about his day. You really weren't in the mood to talk to anyone but you desperately need companionship and someone to talk to, even if you didn't want to. 

"Call" you asked 


You dialed his number and he answered almost right away. 

"Hey you" you said but your words lacked their usual liveliness 

"Hey, are you alright? You been pretty reserved with your answers" 

"I'm just depressed I guess and I haven't had a break in days" 

Eddie knew he couldn't just come over since he lived a few miles away and it was late but he wanted to comfort you somehow or a least make you feel a little bit better. 

"I wanna make you feel better but I don't know how too" 

"To be honest I really don't know either, but hearing your voice really helps a lot" 

The two of you talked for awhile well Eddie did, you mostly just listened since you didn't have much to talk about. When you hung up you felt a little bit better but you were so exhausted that you finally went to sleep for the first time in days. Eddie couldn't help but think you were more tired and burned out than you let on. He decided to spend the whole weekend with you even if you didn't want him too. He was gonna make sure that you actually ate really food and that you didn't study for the whole weekend. He was gonna make sure you were okay and safe. 

Word Count- 446

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