Mental Breakdown

635 9 3

Relationship Status- Dating 

"Hey, come to living room to play uno" Eddie yelled from downstairs. 

When he didn't get an answer, he felt compelled to come up stairs. 

You were on your floor, hitting your left arm with your right. You left hand's nails digging in to your skin on your thigh so deeply, to the point were blood was dripping down your leg. You were sobbing quietly while biting your lip so hard that it was bleeding too. You looked like you were trying to stay as quiet as possible. 

"What the hell are you doing" Eddie said in a shocked tone, walking over to you. 

He sat down next to you, pulling you into his lap.  He locked your arms across your chest and took a look at the damage you did. 

"Babe.." he sighed with a hint of sadness in his tone. 

" I'm-I'm so sorry" you sobbed as he held your arms against his chest, you struggled against his grip but you weren't really trying to get free. Eddie held you for about the next hour, not letting you hurt yourself and making sure you didn't choke because you were crying so hard. Your back was to his chest so he could feel you trembling the whole time he held you. He didn't say anything and the only sound in the room was your quiet sobbing. When you had finally calmed down, Eddie released his grip on you and you were both facing each other now. 

"What caused it" he asked simply, looking at you. 

"Honestly, I don't know"

"How come you don't know?" he asked, looking puzzled. 

"Because so much has been going on lately" you replied, putting your head down. 

Eddie didn't say anything for awhile but then he spoke, "Do you want me to bandage those up?" nodding towards the nail marks on your thigh. 

"I can do it myself" you sighed. "God, I just want to sleep" you said, rubbed your eyes. 

You stood up and went to your nightstand drawer. You pulled out a long strip of bandages and started wrapping it around your thigh but your hands were trembling so bad you that you kept dropping the bandage. 

"Fuck" you whispered and sat down on your bed, your eyes tearing up. 

Eddie grabbed the bandage off the floor and started wrapping it around your thigh. 

"It's okay" he said as he finished wrapping your leg. 

When he finished he sat down beside you on the bed and kept holding your hand. 

"I'm a mess" you sniffled. 

"But you're my mess"Eddie said, squeezing your hand reassuringly. "Now come here" he opened his arms and the two of you laid down on your bed. You back against his chest and his arms wrapped around you with him occasionally kissing the back of you neck as you feel asleep. Honestly, Eddie hated seeing you like that, so hurt and broken by the weight of the world always being on your shoulders 

Word Count- 500 

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