Self Harm

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Relationship Status- Dating for almost a year (also its June so it's kinda hot)

{Tw- SelfHarm} 

"She isn't in school again today. She's only been in once this week. Maybes she's sick, should I go check on her or give her space. I'm gonna check on her after school just in case" 

School ended for the day so Eddie started walking to your house wondering what to say or if you would even open the door and if you would want to talk to him. He hoped you did since you missed so much school and you weren't reading his text or answering your phone.

Eddie rang the door bell and stepped back waiting for you to come to the door. There was no answer so he rang the door bell again. He heard footsteps coming to the door when it opened slowly revealing you standing there in one of eddies baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants with your hair in a bun, looking like it hasn't been washed or brushed in days. Along with dark circles under your tired, red eyes. 

"Hi Eddie, what's brings you here?" you said before yawning. 

"Can we talk inside" 

"I guess but my rooms a mess"

"So is mine I'm used to it" 

"Yk were my room is go on up, I'll be right behind you"

Eddie went up to your room, you followed behind him closing your bedroom door and sitting back in your bed across from Eddie, pulling your selves once you sat down. 

"So what's up"

"Well, you've been absent from school and I wondering if you were okay"

"Yeah, I'm fine" you said quietly as you squeeze the sleeve of sweatshirt in your hand hoping to stop the bleed or at least stop him from seeing it. 

"Are you sure" he said looking down at your arm noticing your weird behavoir  

"Yeah, I just wanna get some sleep so could you please leave" you say hoping that gets him away as the blood drips on to your hand and becomes visible through your sleeve. 

"Sure, wait is that.. blood" he said trying to put the pieces together  

"No, no its- its not. Could you just go away" You said trying to not panic 

"Wait have you.. have you been cutting" he said trying to stay calm

"Why are you so calm" you say shocked 

You see him slowly lift his sleeve up revealing mostly light, nearly fade cuts. Some of them were dark but by no means fresh. 

"So you do it too" you sighed looking up at him to see him staring at his wrist still 

"Me too" he said sounding ashamed now looking at you 

You both stared at each other now in complete silence, you some how felt relieved by him showing you this. You told someone and you knew he shared the same pain as you but for different reasons. 

"May I ask why you do it" He quietly said breaking the silence 

"It's complicated and I really don't know how to explain it but I guess I deal with physical pain better than the emotional one. So why do you do it?"

"I know what you mean. Well I don't really have a solid reason but I guess it started in middle school with Jason was being himself." He responded looking at the ceiling now

"I'm not surprised to be honest, he can be a jerk and hard to deal with. I know he treats you badly." You said playing with fingers now

"Its not all his fault there were other things going on too" 

"But he didn't have a reason to treat you like trash, Eddie" 

You talked for awhile, it wasn't a happy conversation but it was very therapeutic. It was much easier now that you knew someone who knew what it felt like.Eddie felt the same way, glad someone knew this side of him. He was he doesn't have to hide this from you anymore. 

Word Count- 655

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