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Relationship Status- Dating  


"Are you okay, darling", Eddie asked from behind the closed bathroom door. 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Go, you have work." you said, weakly. 

"You better call me if you get any worse."

"I will, bye"

You heard his footsteps slowly fade away in the distance and the front door slammed shut. You didn't have much time to think as you started vomiting again. Why were you so sick? Had you eaten something bad? Were you pregnant?

"Nah, that can't be" you said quietly. 

The nausea and sick feeling passed eventually but you still felt a bit wobbly. You decided to take a pregnancy test just incase. It would't hurt to make sure though. You walked to the store down the street and bought a few different brands just in case. You felt weirdly calm. What if you were really pregnant? You haven't ever really given much thought to the idea of having kids, but it made you smile. You placed a hand on your stomach as you started walking home. A small life growing inside you. Could it be? 

You got home and took the test. You had to wait 3 minutes after peeing on the stick. Those 3 minutes felt like a life time. What if you were really pregnant? What would Eddie think?

"Shit" you growled as the realization hit you. 

You had never talked to him about kids with him. He had never said he wanted any, or if he even liked them. What if he didn't want kids? No, he would want kids with you... right?

Your phone beeped as the 3 minute timer you had set went off. You didn't wan to look at the stick. You couldn't.  What if you were actually pregnant? What if you were carrying another life inside you? What if... Eddie didn't want a kid? What would you do then? No, you would deal with that if it became necessary. After sitting there for awhile you finally got the courage to pick up the test, you grabbed it with two hands. Two lines. 

"I'm pregnant" you whispered. 

It was true.cThe thought that was so absurd hours ago was now a reality. What would happen now? What would be the next step? You knew what your next step would be but would Eddie take it with you. The second you saw those two lines , you decided to keep the baby. You wanted to go see a doctor just to be sure. You wouldn't mention this to Eddie till you were 100% sure about it. You didn't want to scare him or give him false hope, which ever his reaction would be. 

You called a clinic for an appointment tomorrow. You decided to stay at one of your friends for the night since you didn't want Eddie finding out anything and you just needed some time to yourself. You tried calling him but no answer. He must've been busy so you left a note in the table and a message. Next you called robin to ask if you could spend the night at her place. She was happy to have you over and you were at her door in no time. She didn't work for the week so she had a lot of free time. You dragged your backpack in and set it on her bedroom floor. 

"So what brings you in on such short notice". 

You needed to tell someone about this so you decided to tell her. You told her everything except for the fact that Eddie didn't know yet. She was ecstatic. 

"Congrats [Name], this is amazing" she hugged you tight. 

"It is but.."

"But what? Are you not feeling well? Did Eddie not take the news well?" she asked.

"No-wait. Why would you ask that?"

"Well, you two have never talked about starting a family at least based on what you told me over the years" 

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