Bad panic Attack

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Relationship Status- dating and you guys are out of high school 

{Tw- panic attack}

Eddie had been out to see some of your mutual friends from high school but you didn't feel like coming along. You just told him to give them your best. Eddie felt bad about leaving you alone that particular evening, since you haven't been doing the last few weeks but you assured him that you would be fine. You had told him that you were just going to watch a movie and turn in early. A movie and going to sleep was exactly what you planned but then something had struck you. You had no idea what triggered it this time but your cheat tightened and your breathing get more labored. you sat down on the coach and tried calming yourself, but you couldn't. The most awful thoughts were taking over your head, you saw yourself dying in many different ways in your head and your vision started going blurry. In the middle of having a drink with some of the hellfire club when he got the most awful feeling in the pit of his stomach. He ignored it for awhile but he couldn't ignore it anymore. 

"Guys I need to make a call I'll be back" he told them and stepped out of the bar

He called you with no answer, which made sense  if you had gone to sleep but it had only had been an hour since he left and knowing you, you wouldn't have fallen asleep so quickly. That combined with the bad feeling, he decided to go home, he sent the guys a text telling them he had to head home for the night and that he would reschedule so he stared walking home. At some point during the walk it turned into a sprint after the feeling kept growing and it didn't let up the whole way. Fumbling with his keys at he got to the door before coming in. 

"[Name]" his voice called with a hint of worry

No answer

Eddie walked further into the house and found you laying on the floor next to the couch. 

"[Name]" he yelled and knelt down next to you lifting you on to the couch. You didn't resist , in fact you didn't move at all, you just laid on the couch while Eddie held your hand. He sighed in relief after checking your pulse which was there but elevated. 

"Eddie" you whispered as your eyes fluttered open. 

"I'm here" he said kissing the back of your hand

You started tearing up as Eddie asked "what happened"

" I-I had a panic attack, I think.." you sniffled, your head hurting like someone had hit you

"I shouldn't have left you alone, I knew you haven't been doing that well and-"

You cut him off "No-no you can't just stop living your life because you want to take care of me" as you sat up

Eddie was taken back at what you just said

"I'm not stopping my life, your a huge part of it, a part which I'd like to take good care of" 

"but I can't be your whole life, Eddie. I don't want you to miss out on things because of me and resent me for it" tears now pricking your eyes

"I could never resent you, I love you" he said softly

"But-" you started 

"You need to stop thinking like that, your not a burden to me. I'm forced to care, you're someone I chose to love, baggage and all" he said as he sat next to you on the couch

You leaned on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around yours, you stayed like this for awhile. You cried out of frustration as he held you close and told you it was gonna be okay. "How had you gotten so lucky?" To have found someone like him must have been one in a million. You would cherish him till the end of yours day, whenever they may be. 

Word Count- 662

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