Request from @skeletonsarecool666

778 12 6

Relationship Status-Dating    

{Tw- Selfharm}

Eddie had just come home from a late night band practice and couldn't wait to finally see you. He entered the house noticing it was quieter than usual. There was no music or the sound of a tv, it was so quiet Eddie could hear his own breathing. He knew something was wrong so he went to your guys shared bathroom. He open the bedroom door and looked to see the bathroom light on. Then he saw you sitting on the bathroom floor so he took a few steps before he stopped in his tracks. There you were sitting on the floor with a razor blade to your wrist and tons of red scarlets lines covered your arms. He stood there shocked, he never knew you did this kinda stuff. 

"[Name] what's going on?" 

You looked at him shocked to see him standing there before you. You quickly slammed the door to the bathroom and sat with you back against the door. You dropped the blade to the floor, it making a little ding against the tiled floor. You started to sob thinking about what he just saw. 

Eddie heard the door slam shut and ran to the door, starting to knock and bang on the door. 

"[Name] let me in....Please...[Name] come on" he begged.

That went on for awhile before he finally stopped but he didn't leave instead he just sat against the door and started crying. He had tears running down his face and so did you. You had blood running down your which covered your face. Your shirt had blood on it and it was starting to drip on to your shorts. You heard crying coming from the other side of the door, you knew it was Eddie but you didn't want to face him but hearing him so hurt you knew you need too. So you opened the door slowly, watching him sit up and turn to face you. Next thing you knew you were pulled in to a hug by Eddie and you both just sat there holding each other as you both cried. You both calmed down and Eddie pulled away from you looking in to your eyes. He didn't say anything instead he picked you up and carried you back to the bathroom, sitting you on the counter. He went in to one of the drawers and pulled out some anti-bacterial spray and some bandages, along with a few towels. He wrapped your arms in the towels, holding it there, checking to see if the bleeding stopped every few minutes. You both sat their in complete silence as the bleeding stopped. He grabbed the anti-bacterial spray and brought it to your arm.

"This is gonna hurt but it won't last for long, if you need to squeeze my other hand" he said, letting you hold his hand. 

He sprayed the spray on your arms and watched it fizz on your cuts. You squeezed his hand, waiting for the pain to go away. Once the pain subsided, you let go of his hand and stared at him as he started to wrap your arms in bandages. Once he was done, he looked up at you and stared for a bit before looking down. 

"Look I want you to know that I not mad or disappointed but I need to know why you did this and what is bothering you. You don't have to tell me now or tonight, when you're ready tell me what you need and I will try to help you. For now though you don't have to say anything except for what you want to do now"

"I want to go to sleep next to you while listening to music" you said quietly. 

"Thats fine, let's go"  he said grabbing you off the counter and carrying you to the bed. 

He sat you down on the bed and went to put your favorite playlist on. He came back and laid next to you, pulling the blanket over both of you. He turned to you before he pulled you in to his chest, holding you there as you slowly drifted off to sleep while he played with your hair. Eddie then falling asleep shortly after you did, his hand still in your hair. The music slowly fading away.

Word Count- 718 

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