Reason to Live

792 7 3

Relationship Status- Dating and living together 

{Tw- Suicide Attempt}

Eddie had been out of town visiting some old friends for a week and was more than ready to see you. He had been sending you photos since you couldn't go and after 2 days you told him to have fun and he hasn't heard from you since. Eddie decided to text you since he was going to be home early and if you would like to meet him at the train station so you could walk back home together. You didn't answer him which made him at bit worried but he was going to be home soon anyways, so he could talk to you in person. Eddie got home to find the house in absolute silence and the lights weren't on. 

"[Name] are you here?"

Maybe you weren't really home, he couldn't figure out another reason why the house would be this quiet or dark. Eddie decided he would try to call you. 

He could hear your phone ringing in the back of the house, you never leave the house without your phone. He walked to the master bathroom and the sight that greeted him was nothing short of horrifying. You were sitting in the bathtub and the water surrounding you was a deep red color. Eddie was frozen in pure terror and shock. 

You noticed someone standing by the door so you turned your head slowly. You were having a hard time keeping your eyes open and you felt like you were finally slipping away

"Eddie" you whispered 

Hearing that he finally snapped out of his daze


You were so close to finally slipping away, you wanted to, you really did. You tried to push him away as he picked you up from the bathtub but you didn't have any strength left.

"Let me you" you muttered

"Never" he answered his voice wavering 

He rushed you to the hospital a block away from your house. You were taken from his arms and there Eddie was left standing covered in blood, trying not to sob. 

"Do you need something sir? I can take you to the closet waiting room to where they took your partner" a nurse said

"Yes, thank you" 

He was in a daze as he followed the nurse, who led him to the correct waiting room. He didn't sit down though instead he walked to the nearest bathroom. Eddie started to desperately scrub the blood off his hand. He couldn't do much about his clothes though. He wanted to get as much blood off his skin, there was so much though and all of it was yours. After getting as much blood off as possibly, he returned to the waiting room. 

After awhile he realized he should call your mother and tell her about the situation. Eddie knew you and your mother weren't exactly close for a reason you didn't tell him but he thought that she should know that her child was in the hospital. He dialed her number, his hands shaking. 

"Hello Eddie" your mother answered, sounding like she regretted answering it

"Hello Ms.[Last Name] I have some really bad news. [Name] is in the hospital and" 

"God what did that idiot child do now? What ever they did, they probably deserved it.."

Eddie hung up the phone in anger realizing that calling her was a mistake and why you don't talk about or to her

"Sir you can come with me now" a nurse said pulling him out of his daze

He sprung out the chair and followed the nurse into a dark hospital room

"There going to be okay. It's good you got them here so fast,  a few more minutes and we wouldn't have been able to help them" the nurse said opening the door

"Thank you" Eddie said, tears pricking his eyes

He moved an armchair next to your bed and sat down. he waited hours for you to wake up, holding your hand the whole time, talking to you and quietly crying. When you finally started stirring and waking up, he was so relieved. Eddie stared crying harder bring your hand to his lips and placed a kiss on the back of your palm. 

"[Name] he whispered and placed his other hand on your cheek 

"Eddie? where- where am I?" 

"Your in the hospital, darling. Your gonna be okay" he said with a gentle smile and brushed your cheek with his thumb.

"I'm sorry" you said turning to face away from him "I'm so sorry"

"You don't have to apologize for hurting, love but you shouldn't have to do this" he said gesturing to your wrist. 

"What am I supposed to do then? What am I supposed to do Eddie? I don't want to feel like this, I don't want to be this thing I've become" you pleaded just wanting someone to tell you what your supposed to do.

"To be honest, I don't really have any answers for you. All I can really tell you is that its gonna be worth it someday. One day in the future your gonna look back and you're gonna be glad you made it through these times. I know there's no cure for you and if I could, I take all your pain for myself but I can't" Eddie said the sadness in his voice making your heart ache. 

He knew this wasn't about him or how he felt about what you just attempted to do. Eddie wanted nothing more than to help you but he didn't know how to do that. 

"I'm just exhausted Eddie, I'm so exhausted" you said tiredly 

" I know love, I know"

He really didn't know if he could help you but he was sure as hell gonna try. He wasn't gonna leave you alone like this not now, not ever. 

Word Count- 959 

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