Request from @Iz_Was_Taken123

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Daddy Issues

You both are living in a collage dorm

{I've never been through a parent leaving so this is based off what I've read}

You walked in the hallway, no students or people around just the storm outside. The wind lashing against the windows being the only noise heard. You were on your way to your dorm, deep in thought about him. Eddie Munson, he's the boy you'd been talking too. The boy you had feelings for. You really like him. But you're trust issues? All the issues you got? You're mental issues? Will he actually like you the way you are? The real you? Not the one you pretend to be, the one that's always happy and smiling. You were actually concerned about that but my biggest concern is if you actually love him. Do you know what love is? You don't know. You don't think you are capable of love due to the issues you've got. After your mother left when you were five and your dad hadn't been the same. He wasn't the father he used to be. After she left us, it was like a switch flipped in him and he got violent. Thats when your happiness started to fade. You got to the main room in the dorm building and there he was sitting on the coach.

"Oh hey, [name]" he turned his head towards you and smiled as you entered the room.

"Hey" you said, walking towards him.

"Go" he said, death staring a boy that was on the other couch.

"No you can stay" you said, he just shock his head and left.

"Was that necessary? " you said, raising you're brow as you sat down next to him on the couch.

"For you, yes" He said.

You looked over at him. He was staring at you and you looked away, blushing a little.

"[Name], I want you to know that I care about you." he said.

You slowly turned to look at him, "I do too"

He smiled a little and I returned one.

Time skip to the next day

You were sitting down in the dinning hall, eating lunch. When you looked around, you had noticed that Eddie wasn't there. You finished your food and walked to the main room in the dorm building to see if he was there but he wasn't so you walked to his dorm. You flinched slightly when you heard a loud noise as you approached his dorm. You walked up to the door and slowly opened it. Eddie had punched the wall and didn't notice you. He punched it again and you could hear his shaky breath. Then you heard his sob, very slightly.

"Eddie?" you whispered, his head shot up as he heard your voice.

"What-What are you doing here?" he asked as he wiped his tears away. He tried hiding the fact the he was crying.

"Eddie, I-"

"Go" he said trying to lead you out.


"No, go"

You were against he wall and he was in front of you.

"Eddie" you said a bit louder.

"I said go" he slammed his hand against the wall, missing your face by an inch.

"Just go" he slammed his hand against the wall again, making you flinch.

"Leave [Name}! I don't fucking deserve you so leave"

Your hands began to shake and your bottom lip was quivering. You held you head as tears started falling down your face. Your legs gave out beneath you and you just slid down the wall as eddies faced softened realizing what he just did. Memories flashed in to your mind. Memories of your father. Bad memories. Absolutely horrible ones. You lips parted as you tried to breath. He sat down besides you, cupping your face in his hands as he tried making eye contact with you.

"[Name]... [Name] I'm sorry, I scared you-" his eyes began to tear up again.

You whimpered and closed your eyes.

"Look at me [Name], please look at me" he said so you tired concentrating on his soft tone. "I'm so sorry. I love you, I just-" he whispered and was speechless.

You hugged him which caught him off guard but he hugged back. He hurried his face in the crook of you neck, leaving a kiss there. How toxic right? But I'm used to this toxic love. It's like I'm almost addicted to it.

"It's my father" he whispered in to your ear, staring his behavior. "I got mad over a letter he sent me" he explained, whispering. You just nodded, calming yourself with his scent. "I don't deserve you, I'm a guy with serious issues. I could hurt you without wanting to. There are so many other guys who could be perfect for you. I would't stop loving you but you don't deserve this" he said, making your breath hitch.

"He loves me" you thought.

He took my face in his hands, slid his thumb over my dry tears and looked you in the eyes.

"I love you" he said, making you smile.

"You don't understand" you said. "We aren't much different. Theres no such thing called you don't deserve me. If what you mean is your relationship between you and your father, you don't have to worry about me."

A silence followed.

"I wanted to tell you that I love you in another way"

"You did" you replied, smiling.


He helped you up and you both laid on his bed. Your head hit the pillow and you stared at the ceiling as Eddie couldn't take his eyes off you. You laid your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat, slowly falling asleep.

Two Months Later

Eddie was now your boyfriend. You were actually supposed to go to his dorm but something unexpected happened. You slammed your door and shouted into one of the pillows on your bed, crying silently as your chest is rising up and down at a rapid pace.

"[Name]" you heard Eddie say coming in to your dorm.

He ran to you and pulled you in to his arms, hugging you tightly as you buried your head in to his chest and cried.

"It's alright" he mumbled as he stroked your hair.

"He's dead" you breathed out.

"Everything's alright" he kissed your head.

"I'm always here for you" he whispered.

Two Weeks Later

Yet again, you were walking alone in the hallway. It was late at night and nobody was around so you started getting lost in thoughts again.

"Why couldn't I just let it go? He was horrible. Mentally and physical abusive. He caused me mental illness. So why can't I let it go?"

You sighed deeply, you keep trying to let him go. You didn't cry when he first left but now that he was dead it hurts. This time I got to know, where did he go? It's feels like you aren't entirely like half of you disappeared. You sighed again.

"There you are" Eddie said sneaking up behind you, you wiped your tears.

He looked at you confused but he hugged you tightly and rested his head on yours.

"Just let it out" he whispered as he realized why you were crying.

"We both have to let go of our past. I love you forever and I want us to look forward to our future together.Don't look back to all of that, it's all in the past. It's a finished chapter, a closed book" he whispered and you nodded. "I love you, you know that right" he looked you in the eyes and smiled.

"I love you too" you smiled and he kissed you.

He threw his arm over your shoulder and began to walk to his dorm room.

"You can cuddle with me as much as you need cause tonight you're staying with me" he said softly.

You smiled and kissed his cheek.

Word Count- 1333

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