Self Harm

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Relationship Status- Friends

{Tw- Self harm}

There are 3 different stories

Why the fuck do you do this? Why do you always have to do this? You had promised to stop. You promised you wouldn't do it anymore but you did. You had done it again and he hated it. He really did. He hated the fact that you felt so bad that you did this to yourself.

"I'm sorry. You can go...I'll manage..." you muttered.

"I'm not leaving you. No fucking way!" he shouted

"Why the fuck do you do this? Just fucking tell me. Why can't you just stop?Why?"

"I tried" you exploded.-"Do you think I enjoy this?Hmm? I can't just tell you why I do this, cause sometimes I don't fucking know it myself. So if you're gonna yell at me than get the hell out. I can beat myself up over this just fine."

"I said, that I wasn't going anywhere and I meant that"

"Well than I will" you said, marching out the door.

You were fuming but it was just a temporary distraction for everything else. Eddie had noticed some new-ish burn marks on your arm. Why did he have to shout and get angry? COuldn't he just let it be? It was none of his business anyways. You sat down on the back porch stairs and leaned your head to your hands. It's not like you enjoyed this but it was the only way you knew how to cope with everything.

Eddie didn't mean to yell at you, he busted hated when you hurt yourself and he didn't know how to react. He wanted to comfort you but he just couldn't keep his mouth shut. He always just ended up yelling at you.

It took awhile before Eddie came to sit with you outside. He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck when he sat down.


"Why do you always have to get so angry every time" you asked quietly.

"Cause you're so fuckin important to me and I hate when you feel so fuckin bad that you hurt yourself"

You just leaned you head against his shoulder and stayed quiet.

"I know I suck at this kinda stuff but I want to help you" he sighed.

"I know you do but I dislike you yelling at me"

"I'll try not to yell so much and you tell me if you feel like hurting yourself. Deal?


Self Harm Part 2

You had lost count again. How many had you made this time? How many scarlet lines were now decorating your thigh? You counted, 37, 37 lines that distracted you from the chaos that was going on inside of your head but not enough. They weren't enough. You moved the blade above your calf and pressed it against your skin. Even as it broke the first layer of skin, your expression didn't change. It stayed emotionless and cold. You cut the same spot again and again, until it was deep enough so you could see the sides of the wound creating a valley between them. A pink canyon where a river of blood ran. The blood dripped out of the wound and down your calf. You just stared at it. You were in a trance like state. The only thing you could focus on was the blood. You cut another line so together they formed a x shape. The blood was dripping down your leg. You didn't care. It didn't bleed enough last time, so this time wouldn't probably be to bad either. It wouldn't kill you, it wasn't even remotely possible. Even if it was possibly you really didn't care anymore. You didn't care about anything. Nothing mattered and you couldn't even get out of bed some days. It felt like your mind and body had completely shut down, a complete system failure. That was what you were anyways. A failure, a disappointment. a disgrace. Nobody cared and nobody really wanted to know. Humans were selfish creatures after all. They only thought of themselves and their own survival was the highest priority. People say they care, but they really don't. They never did and they never will.

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