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Authors Note- Ik I had already made one on suicide but I decide to do another one 

Relationship Status-Dating

{Tw- Overdose, Suicide Attempt} 

Eddie knew you hadn't been feeling well lately so when he finished work, he hurried home, picking up some flowers on the way. He was actually a bit earlier in coming home than usual, since he had finished work early. He texted you when he left the flower shop, but he got no answer. Perhaps you were taking a nap and had your phone off. You didn't usually do that but since it was your day off maybe you just wanted to get some rest. It was mid afternoon after all and that's when you usually liked to take a nap.  When he got home, he noticed that he was right. You were curled up under a blanket on the sofa, in front of the couch. There was also a piece of paper there. The flowers fell from his hands and he completely ignored the note and approached you quickly. He put his hand on your arm and shook you, trying to wake you up, but you wouldn't react. Eddie then realized what was going on, you had overdosed on your sleeping medication. He quickly called the emergency number and explained the situation to the dispatcher. Eddie was in tears the whole time but he had to keep his voice steady and do as the dispatcher said. 

When the ambulance arrived and he rode with you to the hospital. He watched as the nurse wheeled you away to have your stomach pumped. The second you were out of his sight, he collapsed on one of the chairs in the waiting room. Without thinking he had grabbed the note you left on the table before leaving with you. He hadn't read it yet but now was a good time to read it. He unfolded it carefully and stared reading. 

"Well if you're reading this I wasn't there to stop so I'm gonna guess I'm gone. You probably have a lot of question for me and I'll do my best to answer the most obvious one. Why? To be honest, I don't really have an answer that you would except. I'm just tired, tired of fighting. I'm tired of all of it. I can't keep going anymore. I guess that's the gist of it. But all above all I want you to know that you have nothing to do with my decision. I love you so much, and I never wanted to cause you any pain but it's better this way, you'll be better off with out me."

He didn't know how to react. He wanted to scream or hit something but he did neither. He just sat there, letting the note slip from his hands to the floor. He didn't know how long he sat there in disbelief. How could this be happening? 

"Eddie Munson" a voice called pulling him out of his thoughts

"Yes?" he said and stood up

"Your partner has been treated and you can come see them now. There resting in room 418" the nurse said, pointing the way 

"Thank you" he muttered. going down the hall she pointed at. 

He found your room and stepped in. You were sitting on the bed and looking out the window that was next to it. He could see his reflection in the window and you noticed him as well. 

"Eddie" you whispered and turned to face him. You had decided you wouldn't cry, you had done enough crying for one day. "I'm sorry" you said. 

"I know, I'm just so glad you're okay" he said and sat next to you on the bed. 

You leaned your head against his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around yours. Eddie was just so relieved to see that you were alright. He really didn't know what to say to you, so he just said what he felt you need to hear in that moment. 

"I love you, you know that right?" he asked. 

"I know and I love you too" 

Eddie didn't leave your side for the whole day and when you were transferred to the psychiatric unit the next morning, he was there with the things you asked for from your shared apartment. He only left once visiting hours came to an end and even then he didn't want to you. If he could've he would've taken all your worries and pain on to himself. He never wanted you to feel the way you had felt when you took those pills. 

Weeks later 

Once you were discharged from the hospital and brought home. Eddie took some time off work to spend time with you. You guys watched movies and cuddled for days as Eddie tried to make you feel comfortable and tried to get you to trust him more so he could understand what you were going through. Once you guys talked, you both decided that you would go to therapy and that if you wanted Eddie would go with you. He went to some sessions with you but one day he decided not to go with and said he meet you at the apartment. When you got there you found roses scattered on the floor leading to your bedroom. You found Eddie kneeling on the floor with a dog in his arms. He let the dog run to you while he pulled something out of his back pocket. It was a....ring. 

Word Count- 913 

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