Hitting a wall

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Relationship Status- Dating all y'all live together 

{Tw- talks of self harm and not eating- also it does get descriptive of the cuts} 

"[Name] I think we need to talk" Eddie said walking into the kitchen

You've been awake for awhile which was strange cause usually Eddie was up before you. You'd been sitting in the kitchen holding your cup of coffee but you haven't been drinking it so it had cooled down a bit. 

"What about" you smiled but it wasn't a genuine smile but you keep your eyes on the coffee cup. 

Eddie sat down across from you at the other side of the table and you finally looked up at him. You weren't really sure what emotions were on his face except for the obvious one worry. Maybe a hint of anger to but it was hard to tell. 

"You know what, you've been spiraling again" he said softly, reaching for your hand that was still on the coffee mug. 

You let him take it and move the cup aside. He was drawing circles on the back of your plan with his thumb as he talked. 

"You barely eat anymore, and I've noticed the bandages on your wrist when you've been hurting yourself. At first I believed that you were getting hurt at work like you said but now I know that's not the case"

"I'm okay, you don't have to worry about me" you said faking yet another smile

You had your hand in your lap and were pretty much digging your nails into your into your palm. You wished he didn't care so much, for a second you thought it would be easy to just let him go and it would be easier for him too. 

"You know you don't have to lie to me. You know you don't have to keep up this facade with me. I know you think you have to handle everything alone and that you don't need to ask for help, but I want to help you" 

You heisted for a little till you reached out your now bleeding hand and pulled up your sleeve showing him the bloody bandages. Eddie took your arm observing it for a moment. 

"Does it hurt a lot" he questioned

You nodded and said "Yeah but I'm used to it"

"Yeah but you shouldn't have to be" he said taking your arm and leading your to the bathroom 

"We need to change the bandages and wrap your hand" He said pulling out the first aid kit

He opened it up and in it was disinfectant, bandages, creams, wipes and gauze. He unbandage your arm and took a look at some of the cuts. Old, fresh, deep or faded he saw them all looking back at you, he took the disinfectant and started cleaning them starting with your hand and moving up to your arm. The disinfectant stung a little as he moved to the deeper cuts then he started wrapping up your arm and hand. 

"Eddie" you said quietly 

"Hmm" he said raising his eyes from your hand to meet your eyes

"I'm sorry, I don't want to cause you worry or anything, you know that right?" 

"I know but I do still worry, it's what I do"

"Yeah I know" you sighed

"I just hope  that you find enough peace someday that you don't feel the need to hurt yourself" he said and pressed a gentle kiss on the top of your bandages 

"Me too" 

Word Count- 576

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