Exam Stress

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Relationship Status- Friends 


"Aaah, Fuck this, Fuck this, fuuuck this" you yelled, standing up then throwing your math textbooks off of your desk.

You've been studying at any chance you get for days now  and it was really getting on your nerves. You felt like you didn't remember anything you had been taught all year and everything was slipping out of your hands. The test was tomorrow and you were sure you wouldn't pass it. You couldn't deal with is anymore and you really didn't want to anyways. Eddie was asleep but after hearing you scream and your textbooks hit the floor, he decided to walk to the room you were studying in. 

"What are you yelling about?" he yawned. 

You were now sitting on the floor, legs crossed and you were looking down but Eddie could tell you had been crying. Your body was shaking ever so lightly and you wouldn't look at him even though you knew he was there. 

"So it's math, huh? I know it sucks" he said, nothing the math textbooks on the floor. 

"Sure, you do, mister doesn't study or pay attention to anything" you said in a harsh tone. 

"What is that supposed to mean" he asked. 

"Nothing, I'm sorry... I'm just stressed."

"You wanna talk about it?"

"No... yeah... I guess" you sighed. 

"So talk" he said, yawning again. 

Eddie was clearly tired, you could see that but you also knew he wouldn't go to bed without getting something out of you so it was no use debating the matter. So, you stood up from the floor even though you felt a bit wobbly and started explaining. 

"It's mostly the fact that my memory is so shitty that I literally can't retain any information that I receive. Depression is slowly fucking killing my brain cells and I can't take any of my meds days before the exam cause that would just interfere with my memory more and it just suck cause I'm basically having an anxiety attack." 

"Come here" Eddie said and he wrapped his arms around you. 

You took a deep breath as you buried your face in the crook of his neck. 

"It's gonna be okay and even if you don't pass this time, it doesn't mean you never will. You will still have another chance in the spring and I have faith the in you that you will pass"

"Thanks" you sighed, relaxing a bit with your hands on his chest. 

"You need some sleep though, you look like crap" he added. 

"Thanks" you repeated with an eye roll and smacked his chest. 

Eddie picked you up and carried you over to your bed. He laid you down on your bed and went to leave the room. 

"Wait, can you stay here" 

Eddie turned around walking over to your bed, laying down next to you. You turned to face him before you laid your head on his chest and began to fall asleep as Eddie played with your hair. 

Word Count- 500 

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