chapter 1: the dursleys

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Daisy Potter wakes up the next morning by her aunt petunia banging on her door. "WAKE UP AND HELP YOUR BROTHER MAKE BREAKFAST!" after that she leaves, daisy gets up, gets dressed and checks her calendar.

"Another day another stupid day with the dursleys," she mutters to herself. She makes her way downstairs and into the kitchen, Harry is trying to make eggs but almost ends up burning them. "Hurry with that breakfast daisy!"

"Yes uncle Vernon."
She goes over to Harry and takes the pan from him.

"How about you take a break Harry, I got this."

"Are you sure daisy?"

"Yeah I'm sure." Daisy nods and Harry walks over to the table and takes a seat, daisy tries to help her brother when she can, he's only 8 and doing all this stuff. She finishes making breakfast and gets the coffee as usual.

"Here you go uncle Vernon, here aunt petunia." She hands Dudley his plate too and goes back to the kitchen to get her and Harry's food but is stopped by Vernon.

"Oh no you don't! I told you two yesterday no food today or tomorrow! You didn't do your chores right!"

"Yes Uncle Vernon." says daisy, daisy and Harry go up to daises room since Harry stays in the cupboard and doesn't have much room. Harry starts to cry because he didn't get to eat the last two days because he upset Dudley and didn't do his chores right. Daisy pulls him into a hug and he cries. She lets go and goes to her closet grabbing a bag out from in it.

"Daisy what is that?"

"Whenever petunia, Vernon and Dudley went to the store yesterday and you was asleep I went to the gas station, and bought some chips with my pocket money." She grabs some chips from her bag and tosses them to Harry closing her backpack and putting it back in the closet. Harry opens the chips and immediately starts eating, daisy chuckles at this and grabs one of her books, sitting on her bed starting to read.

"You want some daisy?" Harry asks putting the bag close to her.

"No thanks I'm good." She shakes her head even though she hadn't eaten in a week do too her doing everything wrong. Theres suddenly a peck at the window and daisy sees an owl holding a letter, she goes to the window but can't open it, as her uncle put bars on her window, she keeps getting these letters but everytime she tried to get it her uncle and aunt snatch it from her.

She sees a big man at the doorstep and knocks on the window, she catches his attention and he suddenly looks mad, he knocks down the door making her gasp.

"Harry put up the chips hurry." She rushed him. He puts up the chips and they hurry downstairs to see a giant man and there uncle holding a gun.

"What's going on?!" Daisy asks, her hair suddenly turns white from fear.

"Oh look the freak has turned her hair white!" Dudley laughed, daisy turns it back to her strawberry red, she has learned how to control her powers as she can now turn herself into a another person and even animals.

The man walks up to Vernon and bends his gun making Vernon look even more scared if that's possible, he then turns to daisy and asks her a question.

"Are you Daisy Potter?"

"Y-yes why?"

"Well I have this for you." He hands her a letter and it looks just like the letter her uncle and aunt had been keeping from her. She was just about to open it when her uncle tries to snatch it from her, the big man grabs his arm and Vernon yelps in pain and jerks his arm back, daisy continues opening her letter and she finds out about a school called Hogwarts. A magic school to be a exact. Daisy tries to understand this and when she does she is shocked.

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