chapter 2: Harry's first year

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°3rd year°

Daisy was staying at the Weasley house as Mrs. Weasley had invited her because daisy didn't want to stay at the dursleys house, they would be going back to Hogwarts in a week and daisy was very excited because Harry would be starting Hogwarts his first year.

"Daisy dear, could you help me with breakfast?" Molly asks.

"Of course Mrs. Weasley."

"Oh dear, for the last time call me Molly."

"Okay Molly," daisy giggles.

"MUM I CAN'T FIND MY WAND!" Ron yells from upstairs.

"Oh dear..." Molly shakes her head.

"Daisy could you please help Ron find his wand."

"Of course." Daisy heads up stairs hitting someone along the way.

"Sorry Fred."

"apologies accepted." They both looked at each other then bursted out laughing.

"Daisy did you find Ron's wand!"

"Shoot. No! not yet!"

"Oh alright then."

"Well I'm gonna help ron, see ya later Fred." Daisy walked off and ran up to Ron's room to help him find his wand, after running up all those stairs she finally made it.

"Oh hi daisy, I already found my wand."

"Are you telling me I ran all the way up here only for you to have found you wand??!"

"I gue-"

"BLOODY HELL THAT WAS A WHOLE WORKOUT FOR NOTHING!!" Everyone started running up stairs due to the yelling only to walk in with a mad daisy with flaming red hair and a scared Ron.

"What happened?!" Molly asked with her wand out.

"Oh- umm nothing mum," Ron said and Molly lowered her wand with a sigh and walked back downstairs.

"Nothing my arse...Okay anyways gotta go, hagrid will be here soon to pick me up and then we are gonna get Harry, we're gonna take him to diagon ally and then I will meet him again the day we leave, I will be back in a few hours." Daisy has changed her hair back to her fiery red hair instead of the bright red hair.

"Alright by daisy." Fred says followed by George. Daisy leaves with hagrid 10 minutes later and they arrive at the dursleys not long after. Daisy knocks on the door and is met with a very happy Harry.

"DAISY!" he yells in excitement and gives her a hug.

"Hey harry, ready to go get your supplies?" daisy asks and Harry nods. Harry, hagrid and daisy all leave to go to diagon alley, they go to gringotts first and get their wizard money for Harry as daisy got all her supplies last week with the Weasleys.

After they get everything they needed Harry goes and gets robes while hagrid and daisy get him a owl. Daisy leaves hagrid and Harry alone while she gets ice cream.

"Hey guys I'm back, hagrid, Harry, I got you both ice cream."
She hands them there ice cream and then sits with them. They eat there ice cream and they all talk a little bit before leaving. They arrive at the dursleys and Harry and daisy's smile fades away.

"Sorry Harry but this is your stop."

"Daisy I don't want to be here alone again."

"Okay well...I will talk to Molly when I get back there to ask if you can stay, how does that sound?"


"Okay I will see you soon." Daisy and Harry hug and Harry bids hagrid goodbye before they all go there separate ways.


It was time to go back to Hogwarts and everyone in the Weasley house was running around as fast as the night bus. Daisy was helping Fred and George pack since they never even thought about packing, Ron was trying to find his wand... again, Percy was looking for his prefect badge and Molly was cooking breakfast.

"RON DID YOU FIND YOUR WAND?!" Molly yelled.



"YES MUM!" Everyone came downstairs with there trunks and wands in hands.

"Everyone take a seat and eat, we will be leaving to kings cross in one hour." Everyone had started putting food on there plate while Molly was asking if everyone had everything.

After eating everyone got in the flying car which Molly had put a spell for more room on, Percy was by one door with Fred by the other and daisy was between Fred and George with Ron between Percy and George.

When they arrived at kings cross they all stumbled out of the car and grabbed their trunks, they headed towards platform 9 and 10 receiving weird looks from muggles, daisy's hair turned a shade of soft pink from embarrassment but she quickly turned it back to her normal fiery red and continued to platform 9 and 10.

They had just got there when a young boy had asked Molly how to get to platform 9 ¾.

"Harry!" Daisy squealed.

"Daisy!" Harry ran and hugged his older sister before letting go so she could get to the platform.
Daisy ran and closed her eyes, when she opened them she saw the Hogwarts express and then ran over to Fred and George. Harry came and looked around in amazment then ran over to Daisy, Molly came over and hugged them all.

"Fred, George, daisy, be good and don't get into any trouble."

"No promises!" They yelled at the same time before running over to the train and getting on.

They went to their usual compartment and took a seat.

Lee comes in and takes a seat next to daisy and they start talking about who they should play a prank on first.

Emma and willow come and join there compartment five minutes later.


Daisy and Emma hug then daisy and willow hug. They all take a seat and continue to talk about there holidays.

"Anything from the trolley dears?"
Daisy and lee got up and bought everyone food.

"I'm gonna go change into my robes, are you coming Emma? Willow?" Daisy asks as she get up from her seat and makes her way to the compartment door. "Yeah we're coming" willow said, they all left and changed into there robes going back to the compartment not long after.

All the girls had fallen asleep not long after going back to the compartment.

"WE'RE HERE!!" all the girls jolted awake to see that it was the boys who had screamed that.

"Oh you're gonna pay for that." Daisy said. The group started walking towards carriages. Daisy, Fred and George shared a carriage while willow, Emma and lee shared a carriage against lee's protest to sitting with the girls.

They arrived and sat at the gryffindor table anxiously waiting for the first years.

"Can't they just hurry up already! I'm starving!" Daisy whined.

Just at that moment all the first years and McGonagall infront of them walked into the great hall.

None of the group even payed attention to the sorting or to the speech because they was too hungry, the only part of the sorting they remember is Harry and Ron being sorted into Gryffindor.

1165 words.

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