chapter 12: seer

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All the teenagers were sitting at the black lake, skipping class, like always. None of them liked divination. Well except daisy, she tried to convince them not to skip but they wouldn't listen. She didn't understand why they didn't like divination. She liked it because she thought it was really useful, they said they never saw anything but daisy saw things, like with the tea leaves. She could read them perfectly fine, or with the Crystal balls, she could see something, but she couldn't tell exactly what it was. She was also good at palm reading. They was studying astrology this year.

"I only take divination because if you just make up things it's an outstanding, quite easy," Emma said. Daisy rolled her eyes and looked back at her book, if she couldn't be in the class she would atleast read about it.

"Well then you don't have the inner-eye. I actually see things and don't make it up," daisy said and Emma looked at her confused.

"Daisy, the inner-eye isn't real. The professor just makes stuff up."

"Then why does her made up stuff actually happen?"

"Because she makes it happen and students make it happen too."


"I think it's real," willow said lowly.

"Of course you do Willow. Of course you do," Alicia told willow and smiled.

"I'm only five minutes late. I'm gonna try to make it."

"Okay have fun! Tell me what she predicts this time!" Angelina yelled. Daisy sighed and walked up to the castle.

When she got there she was only 7 minutes late, she had stopped walking and started running up to the castle knowing that if she would have walked the rest she would have been even more late.

"Ah! Ms. Potter! I have been expecting you!" Professor trelawney exclamed. "Take a seat!"

"Sorry I'm late professor. My friends got me distracted."

"Oh that's alright dear, I thought they would."

"So no detention?"

"No no of course not."
Daisy smiled. She saw crystal balls on the table. She thought they had finished them at the end of third year but she was wrong.
"Okay everyone, please look into your crystal balls. I will walk around, and please, tell me if you see something!"

Daisy concentrated. Class was almost over and she hadn't seen a single thing. But then she saw a face, then another. She couldn't tell who it was. But the first one was definitely her. She was about to raise her hand but then class was dismissed. When everyone was walking out she went up to professor trelawney.

"I saw something."

"Oh you did?" She asked excitedly. Everyone else had already left.

"It wasn't completely clear, I think it could have been if class had lasted a little longer. But I think it was raining, and I was Infront of a cottage. It was a little image but I think it's what I saw, and there was another person, but they were blurry."

Professor trelawney looked at her in the eye, she turned her head to one side then the other.
"Ms. you know if, maybe, anyone in your family was a seer?" Daisy thought, she didn't know really anything about her family, she knew who her parents were, but she barley knew anything about them so how was she supposed to know if her grandparents were a seer or if her parents were a seer. Or if she had an uncle or aunt other then Vernon and petunia.

"I don't think so."

"Well, I think you might be a seer."

"Me? A seer? No way! How would I even know?"

"Tell me if you start getting any... visions, or dreams. Anything. Anything that could actually happen atleast one day."

"I will," daisy smiled and left. She climbed up the ladder and went to find her friends.

Can you imagine? Her, daisy potter. a seer. She skipped to lunch and found her friends at the gryffindor table.

"Guess what?" She said and sat down between Fred and George, looking over all her friends.

"What?" Willow spoke up.

"Professor trelawney suspects I'm a seer." She said smiling.

"A seer? Daisy...professor trelawney doesn't know what she's talking about," Angelina said trying to sound kind.

"She does too! I saw something in the crystal ball! It's not a load of bull crap like you all say it is! Oh whatever! I'll go try and talk to someone who actually cares!" She said, very annoyed. She thought professor trelawney was a very good professor. She ran to common room and sat on the couch. Her next class was transfiguration so she went to her dorm to grab her book and then sat down again, waiting for Harry to arrive.

After a while he did show up. "Harry!"

"Hi daisy!" Harry goes and hugs his sister tight.

"I have something to tell you..."

"What is it?" He asked quite confused. Hermione and Ron soon stood next to him. Ron handed him his book and Harry thanked him.

"Well...trelawney thinks I'm a seer!"

"Umm...whats a seer?" Harry asked.

"Really Harry?" Daisy said. "A seer is-" daisy was cut off by Hermione.

"A gifted witch or wizard who has the ability to see into the future with there inner-eye," she said knowingly. "True seers are really rare."

"So your rare daisy?"

"Well I don't know if I am a seer, just a thought."

"That's so cool!" Ron said.
Daisy nodded and checked her watch. She better get going if she wants to make it to class in time.

"I better go! I need to get to transfiguration. See ya later!" She ruffled Ron and Harry's hair and skipped off. She stepped into class and took a seat by Brian.

"Hey love, I'm sorry for what I said, I just thought that it would be better if you didn't talk to Weasley, I still do. And I hope you stop." He said immediately when she sat down.


"I just don't want him to take you away from me. Hes always really flirty and I think he might like you. So could you please stop hanging out with him?" Brian didn't let her speak and continued. She looked him in the eyes. He looked sad so she agreed. Why? She doesn't know.

"Okay, I'll stop hanging out with him." Brian instantly smiled.

"Thanks love." He turned back to the lesson and didn't talk to her again after that. After class she walked out, her friends followed her and tried to talk to her but Fred was there. She told Brian she would not talk to him so she wasnt going too.

"Daisy! We're sorry about what we said earlier!" Angelina said.

"Just...just leave me alone!"
She ran to the gryffindor common room and layed in her bed, she decided to skip the rest of her classes, she only had care of magical creatures and charms left.

She fell asleep quickly.

1162 words

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