chapter 6: new guy

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Daisy was on her way too potions when she bumps into someone.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to, I wasn't paying attention an-" she starts but was cut off by them.

"It's okay, I wasn't paying attention either, I'm Brian, Brian Carter. I'm a transfer from Ilvermorny."

"Oh I'm daisy Potter, nice to meet you. What year are you in?"

"4th year, what about you?"

"I'm in 4th year too, you will probably see me around."

"How about we meet up later in the astronomy tower, we could talk and get to know each other? I could use some friends."

"That would be great. What class are you headed to?" Daisy asks


"So am I, we can walk together."


Brian and Daisy walk to class while talking about Hogwarts and what Ilvermorny was like.

They get to potions and take seats next to each other.


Daisy made her way to the astronomy tower at 8 pm to see Brian.

"There you are," she hears a voice making her jump, she notices it Brian and sighs.

"You scared me!" She laughs.

"Sorry," he rubs the back of his neck.

"It's okay." They both go and and take a seat on the floor while looking at the stars. "Aren't these stars beautiful?"

"They are, very beautiful, just like you." Daisy blushes at this comment while her hair turns pink, they continue looking at the stars.


"I know I just met you but you seem really nice and a great person to be around, so I was wondering would you go to the first hogsmeade trip on Saturday in two weeks with me?" Brian says nervously

"I would love too," daisy laughs. Brian and Daisy talk for about 30 more minutes before daisy bids Brian goodbye and walks back to her dorm.

She gets into the common room and sees Willow, Emma, Angelina and Alicia sitting on the couch by the fire.

"Where have you been?! I have been worried sick!"

"Emma...I'm fine. I was just out with someone."

"Who were you out with?!"


"What's their house at least?"

"Slytherin but-"

"Slytherin?! Slytherin Daisy?!" Angelina buts in.

"Guys...she can date who she wants it doesn't matter the hou-" willow starts.

"Since when was I dating them?!" Daisy asks.

"You aren't but you will..." Willow says.

Daisy looks at her suspiciously but starts heading upstairs.

"Well I'm going to bed, I will see you all in the morning." She says.

"Without saying goodbye to us?!" Fred says as him and George start coming down the stairs. "Outrageous!"

"Goodnight then," daisy rolls he eyes but smiles.

"No hug?" George raises a eyebrow. Daisy walks over to them and gives them both a hug then goes back to the stairs.


"Very." They both say.


Daisy wakes up and gets out of bed while looking around the room.

In 2 days she would be going on the hogsmeade trip with Brian. She was sort of nervous but she thought he was a nice guy, her friends didn't really think so though, she told them they haven't even met him but they still said they didn't like him.
She walks to the bathroom and brushes her teeth. She then gets out her clothes and changes before she puts on her robes.

"Wake up!!!!" She yells loudly.
There were many groans and as her friends didn't want to wake up.

"What time is it?" Angelina mumbles from under her pillow.

"7 o'clock." Daisy says. "You all get up while I go and see if the boys are awake." She walks out and starts skipping up the stairs to her best friends dorm.

She knocks on the door but hears no answer so she walks in and sees them still asleep.

"Wake up!!" She yells. She heard nothing so she goes to each bed and pulls off the covers.

"Wake up George!" He groans and chucks a pillow at her head. He sits up and glares at her but she only smiles at him sweetly.
She then walks to Freds bed and pulls the covers off him.

"EW! GET A SHIRT ON FOR MERLINS SAKE!!" she says closing her eyes. He laughs and stands up going to his trunk and pulling out a t-shirt then slipping it over his head.

"There I have a shirt on." Daisy opens her eyes and looks at the hair that fell over her face and sees it's a bright pink she quickly changes it too her favorite bright yellow color.

"I'm going to go and see if the girls are awake." She quickly leaves the room and goes to the common room.

"There you are daisy! I'm hungry let's go!" Emma whines. Daisy rolls her eyes and chuckles.

"I didn't take that long." She says.

"Did too." Emma mutters. The five girls link there arms together and start there way to the great hall.

"I'm going to sit with the Slytherins today." Daisy told her friends when she saw Brian waving her over.

"Why?" Said a voice behind them. Fred and George had finally showed up.

"Just someone I know there and they want me to sit with them." She waves bye to them and takes a seat next to Brian. Earning a lot of glares from Slytherins.

886 words

What do you all think of Brian? I think he's nice. Have any predictions? I have a story called jasmine make sure to go read that! Have a wonderful day/night/evening. Eat your food and drink your water, love you all- tiki

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