chapter 20: love

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"So how did it go? Did you break up with him?" Hermione asked. Hermione and Daisy were sitting by the black lake studying. Daisy had broken up with brian a few days prior.

"Yeah I did....he moved schools the day after."

"So that's why he hasn't been in classes?"

"Yeah. I can finally feel at peace. Well, other than the fact that I have owls this year." Daisy sighed and looked back at her book. "It's the first week of school, what professor gives kids an essay the first week of school?! Wait, I can answer that. Snape!" Hermione rolled her eyes. Of course Hermione saw nothing wrong with studying but she can agree that it's not that fun to have an essay on the first week of school.

The girls continued to study and Daisy wasn't close to finishing her essay. It was due on Monday and today was friday. She only had about 4 sentences, but it was almost time for divination which was on the other side of the castle. "I have to go, bye hermione," Daisy waved goodbye and started making her way to divination.

"Hi professor Trelawney!" Daisy smiled at her professor and took a seat. They were learning how to look into the future through rituals, this class had become daisies favorite class. People started to fill into the classroom and after a few minutes class had started. Fred, George, Lee, and Daisy were all seated at one table. Class had gone smoothly but Fred, George, and Lee all fell asleep. They didn't want to take this class anyway. The only reason they were taking this class was because of daisy.

"Wake up!" Daisy shook the boys. Class was finished and kids were leaving the classroom. All of the boys darted awake. "Come on, almost everyone is gone." The boys grabbed their stuff and the group left the classroom.

"That class is so boring! What's the point of it?" Lee said. Daisy rolled her eyes. The group made their way to the great hall, they took a seat at the Gryffindor and began piling food onto their plates.

"We really need some new prank ideas....." Daisy started thinking of things to do.

"What about changing the Hufflepuff robes to red and gold colored robes? The match against Hufflepuff and Gryffindor is soon. We can do it the morning before the match?"

"You're a genius lee!" George said.

"I know"

"I wonder how Angelina is feeling, it's her first year as quidditch captain since Oliver left." Daisy said. A little bit after that was said Angelina, Willow, and Emma came in. Daisy hadn't seen them much, she would get back to her dorm late and would leave early so she said a little bit but other than that hasn't talked to them. The girls came and sat next to them.

"Emma? You let your hair grow out?!" Emma nodded and smiled at daisy.

"Yeah I got kind of tired of my short hair and decided to let it get to at least my shoulders," Emma said. The group of seven continued to talk until dinner ended and everyone was going back to their dorms.


"Why are you still up?" somebody said from behind Daisy, making her jump.

"Merlin fred! You scared the fuck out of me!!" Daisy and Fred laughed. Daisy got up from her spot in front of the fireplace and sat on the couch next to fred.

"Why haven't you been going to see brian lately? I haven't seen him since we got back to school.'' Fred looked at her curiously.

"Oh...well, we broke up. I forgot to tell you. Sorry..."

"Why did you break up with him?"

"Funny of you to assume i broke up with him"

"Wait he broke up with you? I thought you would have been more badass and broke up with him first." Daisy laughed.

"Of course I broke up with him." Fred assumed Daisy didn't want to talk about it right now which is understandable.

"So you are a badass?" Daisy shoved him lightly and fred, being as dramatic as he can, fell off the couch and acted like he died. Daisy shook her head and chuckled. Suddenly Fred sat up. "I have risen from the dead! It's a miracle!"

"Dammit. Why couldn't you just stay dead?" Fred gasps.

"You have hurt my feelings!!" Daisy laughed and Fred got up off the floor, he sat back down on the couch and slung his arm around her shoulder.

"I'm going to bed, goodnight freddy."

"Goodnight love." Fred winked at her as she was making her way to the stairs.

Daisy rolled her eyes at him. "Do not, call me love."

"Whatever you say, love." Daisy made her way to her dorm and started changing, her hair was once again pink. She decided to keep it like that. She brushed her teeth and then put her hair into a messy bun, falling asleep quickly.


"So do you have your eye on anyone special now?" Ginny asked daisy. Angelina, Willow, Emma, Daisy, Ginny, and Hermione were all sitting at the black lake. They decided every Saturday they would meet at the black lake. Next saturday was the match against Hufflepuff and gryffindor so angelina was thinking of plans while the other girls were talking about other random things.

"Nope, not at the moment," Daisy said.

"Oh come on! Are you sure?" Emma asked.

"Yes i'm sure," Daisy thought for a little bit, is there anyone that she maybe just maybe has a little bit of feelings for? "Hey ginny? When will I get to meet that hufflepuff that you like? Or do you even still like him?"

"You aren't going to meet him unless we become official!"

"Oh come on!! Please?"

"Nope." The girls continued talking and soon Angelina joined in.

"Are you ready for the match Angelina?" Willow asked.

"I'm nervous...I mean it's my first year as captain. I hope we beat them."

"Of course we will. I mean we're Gryffindor. Like the best team!" Daisy said.

"We'll see..." Angelina said nervously.

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