chapter 17: absolutely not!

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"oh come on! You obviously have a crush on him!" Daisy laughed at Ginny when she turned as red as her hair.

"I do not!"

"You do too!!"

"Yes you do Ginny! Just admit it! Your falling inlove!" Hermione joined in on the conversation and made a heart shape, as if picturing Ginny and Harry together.

"We're going to go start planning the wedding!"

"Absolutely not! I do not like Harry! I like someone else! I-i like someone else in my year."

"Who?!" Daisy asked.

"His name is Noah, Noah Williams."

"My little ginny is all grown up!" Daisy laughed.

"What is his house? is he nice to you?"

"What does he look like? Can I meet him?" Daisy and Hermione were asking questions left and right.

"He's a Hufflepuff, yes he is nice to me, he has brunette, ear length long hair, he has freckles and is a few inches taller than me, and why should I let you meet him?"

"Because your basically my sister. And I want to meet him." Daisy told her. Ginny rolls her eyes and mumbles a maybe. She walks out of the living room and into the kitchen.

"Why hello ladies! What a pleasant day it is!" Fred sat on the couch and swung his arm around daisy, George did the same to Hermione.

"What do you two want?" Hermione asked, slightly annoyed.

"Why nothing at all!" George said very unconvincingly.

"Why do you think we would ever want something from the two of you?" Fred smiles. That smile. Daisy loves that smile. She could've had the worst day ever and that smile would still keep her happy.

"Well, for one yo-" Hermione started.

"We need you two to try out our newest invention." George quickly said.

"No absolutely not!" Hermione looked at them in disbelief. She grabbed daisies arm and pulled her from Fred's grip. Hermione stormed up the stairs and into Ginnys room. She sat on her bed and huffed while daisy walked to hers. Ginny looked up in surprise when the two other girls burst into the room. She was writing a letter. "They really thought we would try out a new invention? I can't believe them!"

"Hermione-" Ginny was about to try and calm her down.

"No whatever it was could of hurt us!" Daisy sighed and left the room. When she walked out she saw crookshanks eating cat food, crookshanks was the cat that Hermione had gotten before coming to the burrow. But he Of course he is always orange but it was a vibrate orange that covered his whole body.

Fred and George were laughing on the ground, holding a clear packet. "What have you two done?"

"Well.....the potion we used when we turned everyone different colors-" George started.

"Weared off too quickly, so we made our own and-"

"We were going to try it on you and Hermione-"

"But you wouldn't let us so now we're trying it on crookshanks."

Daisy listen to everything they said, and then shook her head. "Don't expect me to feel sorry for you at your funeral." And then she walked past them and into the backyard. she grabbed her broom and started flying around, after finding a ball about the same size and weight as a quaffle she started practicing. Daisy has been practicing a lot lately, she's been hoping that she'll get quidditch captain when Oliver leaves.

Soon the twins joined her. They practiced for a little and then helped Daisy practice with the quaffle. All Daisy could say was that the twins were not the best chasers. Or keeper. It wasn't much practice considering that they weren't that good. The quaffle kept going else where when they would throw it too each other, or it would fall out of there hands. They were alright as keeper just not as good as Oliver.

"I'm done. I'm gonna go get a drink." Daisy flew to the ground and put up her broom. She went and got a drink then decided to take a shower after being outside.

When she got out and had got dressed, she saw and owl sitting at the window. She opened it and let the owl inside, there was a letter attached to the leg of the owl. She untied the letter and then gave the owl a treat.

Dear daisy,

We shall talk about this nonsense when we get to Hogwarts.


Just one sentence and daisy was freaked out. It wouldn't be a talk and she knew it. The owl flew off, daisy crumpled the letter and threw it away. She didn't want the letter in sight.

777 words

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