Chapter 23: date

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Daisy woke up, covered in cold sweat. She had a nightmare, but she just couldn’t think of what it was. She knows it was important. After trying to fall asleep and failing, she stands up and walks down to the common room. It was still dark out so she expected no one to be there but when she made her way down the stairs she saw a figure sitting on the couch, it was Willow. “Hey Willow,” Daisy says quietly and sits next to her. “Why aren’t you in bed?”

“Guess I could ask the same. But I've just had some stuff on my mind…” Willow replies, looking at Daisy. “Why aren’t you in bed?”

Daisy chuckles and looks at the fire. “Same.” Daisy replies simply. Willow nods then she sighs and looks at Daisy. “I’ll see ya at breakfast?” Willow asks, standing up. Daisy nods and Willow goes back upstairs. Now that Daisy is left in her own thoughts, she tries thinking of that dream yet all that did was make her head hurt. She sighs, frustrated. Eventually Daisy goes up to her dorm then sees it’s time for classes. She gets ready and waits until it is time for breakfast by reading a book.


Daisy was tired, to say the least. So during Potions when the twins asked for her to join them in a prank she turned them down. “Thanks, but no,” She says and the twins look at her hurt. 

“But we’re your best friends! Come on Dais!” Fred says. Daisy smiles yet shakes her head. 

“But Daisyyy!” George says, smiling. Daisy once again shakes her head. The twins sigh and cross their arms. “Fine…we see how it is.” Fred says and tilts his head away, George does the same.

“Oh come on guys! I'm just tired,” Daisy chuckles but she sits in her seat. Fred sits next to her and George sits next to this ravenclaw girl he’s seem to take an interest in. Fred slings his arm around Daisy as usual. “Have you seen how George looks at the girl? I think he is in love!” Fred laughs and Daisy chuckles. 

“Grown up so much!” Daisy says in earshot for George to hear. She can feel his glare even though he isn't even looking at her. She smirks and listens to Snape's lecture.

After class the trio decide to go to the black lake and rest for a bit. Daisy and Fred sit next to each other and Fred slings his arm around Daisy's shoulders. George is laying on the grass, thinking of new pranks. “You know, I got a date for the hogsmeade trip coming up.” George says, sitting up.

“Oh yeah? It's the ravenclaw girl! I like her, she’s pretty,” Daisy smirks and George rolls his eyes.

“Look at my brother, all grown!” Fred wipes away a fake tear and sniffles. They laugh for a second then George looks at fred. “At Least i can get a date.” George says proudly.

“Oh yeah? Let me see who I can ask on a date…Dais!” Fred smirks. Daisy rolls her eyes. “Will you go on a date with me?” Fred says, smiling.

“You want me to go on a date with you, freddy?” Daisy chuckles and Fred nods. “Well…”

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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