chapter 11: Halloween

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It was Halloween and Fred, George, daisy, willow, Angelina, Alicia, and emma were walking down the corridor. Willow was a bat, Daisy was a witch, George and Fred were dogs, Alicia was a cat, Emma was a rockstar, and Angelina was a football player (or soccer ball what ever its called but in united kingdom it's called football).

"I still can't believe you made us dogs," Fred said grumpily. Daisy giggled and they entered the great hall. It was filled with jack-o'-lanterns in the air and bats were flying, the ghosts were talking and there was a lot of food, like usual. This time the food tasted better.

"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go look for harry," daisy says and leaves she starts walking down the table but can't find him, Ron or Hermione. She stops at a kid named Neville, Harry's dorm mate.
"Hey Neville, have you seen Harry?" She asks.

He shakes his head quickly and she nods then walks back to her friends. "Couldn't find him."

"Let's eat! I'm starving!"

"Your always starving Emma!"

"Be quiet Angelina." They laugh and talk and eat. A few people would pass and say I like your outfit.

"Can't believe out of everything we're a dog. Just Great. Wow,"

"Oh you two stop complaining!"

"Whatever mum!" Daisy rolls her eyes and laughs. They continue talking and eating. A bat landed on willows shoulder and she laughed at it. It left a little bit after.

"I put a clown in a broom closet and when it pops out whoever is near it will get paint spilled on them." Daisy said.

"Why didn't we think of that?!" The twins say. Daisy starts thinking.

"Who wants to come with me? I'm gonna turn into a clown and when it's time for everyone to leave I'm gonna scare them.

"We will!" The twins tell at the same time.

"Okay let's go." They get up and walk out, they stand by the great hall door and daisy turns into a killer clown. A few people walk out and they scream when they see daisy. The twins and daisy wait and then Hufflepuffs come out and scream, the Ravenclaws come out and some scream, when the slytherins came out a lot of them screamed and George took a video on the camera he always carried around. Finally Gryffindor came and quite a few screamed. daisy turned back into her normal self and her and the twins joined Gryffindor. They walked until suddenly everyone just stopped. There was yelling by filch and teachers hurried over. Daisy couldn't see but she heard filch acussing Harry of killing his cat.

"Enemies of the heir beware? Ha! You'll be next mudbloods!" Daisy heard Malfoy yell. Daisy looked up and caught Brians eye. She looked back down. Her and Brian hadn't talked since Brian told her to stop being friends with fred. prefects made everyone continue to walk to there common rooms and then Daisy saw the petrified cat and the writing on the wall. They walked until they got into the common room and her, Fred and George sat on the couch. They stayed silent and then they all fell asleep after thinking about what happened.

567 words

(Happy Halloween 🎃 hope you had/have a great Halloween. It was so close to Halloween I had to post a Halloween chapter on Halloween) -tiki ❤️

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