chapter 4: detention bet

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Daisy woke up to four girls hitting her with pillows. "WAKE UPPPPP!!!!" One of the girls yelled which daisy recognized as Angelina.

"OHHHHH!!!" Another girl yelled which was willow.

"WAKE UPPPPP!!!" Emma yelled.

"TIME TO WAKEY WAKEY!!" Alicia yelled.

"I'm up I'm up for Merlins sake!!" Daisy yelled, all the girls stopped and looked at her.

"Good morning!" Alicia said.
Daisy sent her a glare but got up and picked out her clothes.

"I'm gonna go and take a quick shower." Daisy leaves the room and the other girls just sit and talk except Alicia who decides to read.

Daisy walks out and all the girls make there way to the common room.

"There you are daisy! We thought you were dead!" Fred says.
Daisy rolls her eyes and continues to walk away as the boys get up and follow the five girls.

They make it breakfast and take a seat at the gryffindor table. McGonagall finally comes to there table and hands them there timetables.

"Thanks Minnie." Daisy says, it was no secret that daisy was most certainly McGonagalls favorite.

"Your welcome miss Potter, now, I do not want the four of you getting into to much trouble, Mr Weasley, Mr Weasley, miss Washington, miss Potter."

"Us?! Never!" Fred says looking hurt, as for the rest of them.
McGonagall shakes her head but you can still see a tiny smirk on her face as she walks off.

"Well, today is the first day of classes!" Daisy yells for the whole great hall to hear.

"Miss Potter! I told you not to get into any trouble!"

"I didn't! I don't have a detention now do I?"

"You do now!"

"Alright I will see you in detention." McGonagall rolls her eyes and walks off. "BYE MINNIE!" Daisy yells much more louder. She looks at the group and they all burst out laughing.

"Detention on the first day?" Willow says more of statement then a question.

"Fred, George, Emma," daisy looks at all of them.

"What are you on to?" Emma
asks suspiciously.

"How about...we see who can get the most detentions for the day?"

"Deal winner gets ten sickles." Fred says and puts his hand out. Everyone else does the same and they all shake hands.

After breakfast they all start going to class, fred, daisy, George, and Emma all have potions together so they head there while the rest of there friend group head to there classes.

"Good evening class...." Snape says in his usual boring voice.

None of the four even payed attention in class as usual, they just did as many things they good to get detention, Emma got 2, Fred and George both got 3 and daisy got 4, they would just get the notes that there other friends took in class later. After that they went to herbology and Fred 'accidentally' broke his pot and got a detention, daisy kept interrupting the professor so she got a detention too.

Fred and daisy were heading to muggle studies while George, Emma and lee were going to divination.

"So how many detentionn have you all got?" Lee asked looking at the three.

"I have six," Daisy said.

"I got two," Emma rolled her eyes since she was still the lowest.

"I got four." Fred said proudly.

"I still got more," daisy smirked.
Fred playfully rolled his eyes.

"I got three." George said. They had arrived at muggle studies so

Fred and daisy bid there friends goodbye and then walked into class, Fred and daisy sat together waiting for the professor.
In this class Fred got 1 more detention and daisy got 2.

They left class and waited for there friends so the could all go to lunch.

"Finally! I thought I might die of hunger if we waited any longer!" Fred said over dramatically.

They all rolled there eyes and made there way to lunch.

649 words

I'm going to make another story called jasmine, it's a Sirius black story. Idk why but I have been having a marauders thing lately so yeah anywayyy love you all, eat, drink, but not alcohol, and have a nice day -tiki.

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