chapter 5: party time consequences

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Everyone made it back to the common room and when they entered they saw a few people were setting up for the party.

"How about we go get ready for the party?" Daisy asks. all the girls nod in agreement and head up to there dorms.

The girls get To there dorm and start picking out dresses they might wear.

They all find a dress they like, Alice picks a yellow one, Angelina picks a red one, willow picks a purple one, Emma picks a teal one and daisy picks a red one.

They did there makeup and hair then went down to the common room, they see the boys on the couch so they go over there.

"How about we play a game?" Angelina asks.

"Sounds good." Emma says.

"What game?" Fred asks.

"Spin the bottle?" Angelina suggests. "I'll get the bottle."

"Alright." Daisy says. Angelina leaves and comes back with an empty fire whiskey bottle.
She sets it on the table.

"Who wants to go first?" She asks.

"I will." Willow says, she spins the bottle and it lands on George.

She goes over towards him and they share a kiss before she goes and sits back down and then it's Alicias turn. She spins the bottle and it lands on Emma. It was hard to tell but it looked like there was a blush on both there cheeks, but daisy thought it might just be the lighting. They both kiss and sit back in there seat. Now it's Daises turn, she doesn't know who she wants it to land on, she spins the bottle and it lands on.......Fred.

She doesn't know what happened but she felt -she thinks she felt- butterflies. They both share a kiss and then the game continues, she thinks it's nothing and goes back to the game. Fred felt the same but he also ignores it and goes back to the game.

After about 30 minutes the game ends and they all go and get some butter beer.

"What time is it?" Alicia asks.

"It about midnight," Angelina answers.

"Maybe we should go to bed," Alicia says. Fred and George got some fire whiskey even though everyone told them not since they were only thirteen and it was illegal. Daisy had took it away from them after 3 shots a peice. they were now dancing on a table.

"Probably, who wants to help me with those two," daisy points at the twins. "I know I won't be able to do it myself." She walks over to the twins followed by Angelina, Willow, Emma and Alicia.

"Come one you two! We're going to the dorms!" Angelina yells at them over the music.

"But we were ju-" Fred was cut off by the girls grabbing him and George and practically dragging them up stairs.

They make it to the third year boys dormitory and find the boys dorm, they open the door and set them on their beds, well they don't know whose bed is whose so they set them on the beds that look to be Fred and Georges.

"Time to walk all the way back down the stairs......yay." daisy said with a sigh.

"How about we just sleep here. I'm too tired to walk all the way down there, they shouldn't mind." Emma says.
"And If they do, we'll fuck them."

"I'd rather not fuck my best friends." Angelina says sarcastically.
Emma rolls her eyes and they all just lay on the floor together, slowly falling asleep.

The next morning the girls wake up. Angelina is holding her head as is Emma.

"How do you have a hangover? You only had a little bit of butter beer," Alicia looks at them

"Well....we both had about 7 bottles and a little bit of fire whiskey," Emma says.

"You are thirteen!" Willow scolds them.

"Sorry?" Angelina says

Daisy rolls her eyes and points her wand at her throat, "sonorus."

"WAKE UP!!!" She yells.
She Uses the counter-charm and makes her voice quieter.

"What the hell daisy!" Angelina yells holding her head, same as Emma.

There was groan from both beds next to them and then two people cover there heads with there pillows. Daisy goes to one bed and Alicia goes to the other. They pull off the pillows and start yelling.




"We're up..." Both the twins hold there heads and sit up.

"Why? Just why would you do that?" Fred whined.

"Well that's what you get for having fire whiskey when your 13," daisy says. Angelina and Emma left to room so they would hear no more yelling.

"Get up, we have class soon," Alicia rolls her eyes and the three girls leave the room.


It's was time for lunch and daisy was packing up her stuff to leave the library.

She goes to the great hall and takes a seat next to willow and Alicia.

"Where's everyone else?" Daisy asks them.

"Well...Fred, George, Emma and Angelina are probably trying to get over there hangover in the dorms.....and lee. Well it's lee so you shall never know." Willow says.

Just then lee comes in smiling ear to ear.

"Where have you been?" The three girls ask suspiciously.

"Well....I got a boyfriend."

"OMG! Who is it?!?" Daisy asks excitedly.

"Be quiet daisy!" Lee hisses.

"I know who it is," willow says with a big smile.

"How would yo-" lee starts but is cut off by willow.


"How do you know?"

"Just had a feeling..."

Fred, George, Emma and Angelina walk in and stumble towards the gryffindor table.
Daisy smirks and shakes her head as they sit down.

"My head hurts," Emma whines and rests her head on the table.

"That's what you get, oh and lee has news...lee would you like to tell them?" Daisy arches one eyebrow while looking at lee.

"Actually I have a boyfriend..."
there eyes widen and look at lee.

"Who?!" They ask at the same time.


As if on queue Oliver walks in. He looks at lee, smiles and starts walking over.

"Hey Lee."

"They know Oliver."

1055 words

(After this chapter it will start at 4th year because they are young and Fred and George aren't that hot in 3rd year😬, also I will be adding a new character!!)

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